Most normal illinois resident:
Most normal illinois resident:
Monocraft JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono everywhere. Like. E V E R Y W H E R E
goober or in Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, which, fun fact, goober was inspired by
anything proprietary
Have you tried OpenTabletDriver?
home-manager. a divine tool for maniacs Nix users that lets you do declarative dotfile management
Just a note taking app with support for different types of notes, templates, fields on notes for metadata etc.
I mostly use it to write down my ideas down and log tasks.
Hyprland. Fast, wayland, tiling, animated. Checks off all the boxes and just works™.
that’s a rare insult
Sadly common sense is not that common nowadays
I want “realistic” UI, like macOS 10, not the flat sh*t we see nowadays.
That is just amazing. Glad it works for you.
Typst for typesetting. Definitely underrated.
I can imagine doctor4t tweeting this
Me talking about _____: _____
“Whomst the fuck?” © Wizord, 2023
Playing osu but with chests instead of circles
Win-1 on hyprland, no animations so mom thinks i was doing homework ;))))