How would one allow additional bracing? You can use the same amount of bracing for both, just depends on where the bracing surfaces are. What am I missing?
How would one allow additional bracing? You can use the same amount of bracing for both, just depends on where the bracing surfaces are. What am I missing?
No, but the point they’re trying to make is, I think, that the more you complain, the more other people complain and the more other people start complaining and unless we have enough complainers and people switching, nothing is gonna change.
Our power is imperceptible but not non-existent
Yep, I’ve been trying my best to also say thank you to devs that go out of their way when they don’t have to. (And also to musicians since I mainly listen to metal and 99.9% of those guys don’t get the recognition they deserve)
Sucks for console users. On PC there are trainers.
Just checked. With a population of 40k people and a rate of 2.6 murders per 100k, that comes out to a whopping 1 murder. Interestingly, their homicide rate went up by 98.55% in 2021. So… yeah… 2 people murdered.
Also, if you’ve looked at the same map as I did, that was Guiana with a 10.2, not Paris. Paris is sub 3. All mainland France is sub 3. It’s the islands that are bringing up the average, not Paris.
Also, even taken as a whole, the US isn’t that well placed when compared to world average. Map that makes it easy to see.
The colour chart in the top right maxes at 12.5. Not the graph. Louisiana passes the 15 mark by a little bit. So that makes it around 700 people up from 571.
It’s easier than even mint. Because I’ve installed windows dozens of times and it has always worked out of the box. Always.
Friend gave me their old laptop that was sluggish and asked me to reinstall windows. I proposed Linux and promised them it’d work even better, they reluctantly agreed. I install mint. Sound not coming through headphones. I update everything that’s there to update, tried a bunch of shit and waste like an hour before I finally find a thread that suggested manually updating to a newer kernel version. That fixes it.
Now I know something extra for next time but if it were someone less stubborn, they’d have given up and went back to windows. Most people don’t know and don’t care about debloating, trackers and whatnot.
Tldr; Windows is the easiest OS to install because it works right out of the box. Many Linux distros are even easier to install, but don’t always work out of the box.
I guess they don’t consider it bluesky defeating twitter if twitter is commiting suicide. Sounds like pedantry to me.
A currency for sure. Both crypto and not
You’re confusing the ingredient list with the cooking order. Chili is a chili based recipe because that’s the main ingredient, the ingredient that needs to be there, on top of which you can add other stuff.
Those are just used as aromatics, they’re not a main ingredient . You can replace them with other stuff or just omit them altogether and you’d still get a Chili. But if you replace the chili, then you just get a stew, can’t really call it chili anymore.
Take beef bourguignon, for example. It’s a stew as well but its main ingredients, or base, if you will, are the beef and the red wine. Can’t replace those and still call it that
According to google (and since the name implies it as well I’m inclined to believe it) it’s actually a chili pepper based stew. With or without meat. Tomatoes and beans are common ingredients, but not part of the base.
You remember wrong. It just means “of rome” and it’s that because it was a roman province. There’s a difference between “of rome” which is what “român” means and “the true descendants of Rome” which is what you’re claiming. We’ve never claimed to be more Roman than Italians or anything. That’d be stupid.
We’ve never claimed that.
Who are you arguing with? Definitely not op because nobody said anything about trump being goofy. And did you miss the bits about rape, racism and felony convictions?
Exactly, thank you! People went back to voting republican again since there was no Roosevelt to split the vote! Now you’re getting it!
Uuuh, splitting hairs on my choice of words. The republican party split into two and so did the votes. The fact that I said “stole” wasn’t part of the point. And ofc you’re gonna say it’s impossible to know…
It’s just a coincidence that in 1908 it was 6.4m vs 7.7m votes (dems and republicans respectively) and in 1912 it was 6.3m vs 3.5m + 4.1m (Dems vs republicans and progressives respectively)
Yeah, the numbers stayed more or less the same except the republican vote got split. But yeah, that’s just a coincidence, we have no way of knowing!
Here. This is how your system actually works. Not how you believe it to work. Wilson won with less than 42% of the votes because a third party managed to be popular enough to split the votes and stole enough votes from Taft. This is what would happen if people actually listened to you. Thank fuck they don’t.
Plus, drummer is always more fit than the rest cause of the effort required to play. Seems like a bad idea all around.
I mean… you’d be doing it on a ship. And there’d be stuff to hold on to.