So make part of the negotiations with the Democrats to support him when they try to remove him as speaker. It’s simple.
So make part of the negotiations with the Democrats to support him when they try to remove him as speaker. It’s simple.
Yeah, and history shows that “structural relief” is going to be a small fine.
Oooh. Someone’s getting a 0.001% fine to continue business as usual. Juicy.
Hey man I want Moderate Republicans to exist as much as the next person, but you may as well be hoping for a fucking unicorn or leprechaun at this point.
Moderate Republicans?
Problem is that the Republicans don’t negotiate with the Democrats so they have nothing to vote for. If they actually negotiated in good faith there would probably already be a bill passed by about 70 percent of the house.
The best stroke, a tremendous stroke!!
Lose Elon, Gain Respect.
It would probably be the stroke suffering Trump.
He’ll close Tesla completely before he allows this. So win win
It’s really more American Civil War 2 they want.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is a time honored Democratic tradition.
Am I out of touch?
No surely one more pizza party will turn this around.
Yes, because HE is the problem… Not the sitting Congressman giving a handjob in public.
both sIDES aRE ThE sAMe!
I look forward to the leopards are eating my face post later.
My solar panels beg to differ.
Not really concerned about Regional parties.
Neither is reality apparently.