Army of Mushrooms - Infected Mushroom
Army of Mushrooms - Infected Mushroom
I miss Tom Scott
They’re six years old playing their first run of Civilization and think winning means destroying everything else and taking everything you can, but you don’t know what all the menus mean yet so you just start clicking random stuff to see what happens.
I was recently surprised by The Orville. A surprising project to come from Seth McFarlane, but an absolutely well-made homage to Star Trek.
Being able to see inside empty containers has its uses because you can always check if you can see into it and know something’s in it. Knowing IF something has contents can be plenty useful.
The fact that Windows devs seem to not know how to run tasks hidden and in the background always bothers me. I’m sure it’s the fault of Windows itself, but Linux doesn’t open jack until I tell it to. With all the extra helper programs needs in the tray to run all the proprietary hardware, I about lose it with all the shit popping up to yell at me.
What did the kids do wrong? The only ones that deserve anything got vaccinated ages ago when their parents were smart enough to do so. Otherwise they would have already died by now.
Hell of a lot cheaper than a kid.
Photography. I got back into it last year and have really enjoyed the process. I’ve learned a lot in a really short time.
The downside of that is you’d only see 3 frames of the first screen before your desktop was ready.
I’m clinging to my SE. It’s the last small phone made by anyone other than Chinese no-names. I will be sad when it’s no longer viable as an option.
The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.
Truly hating something takes passion, energy and time out of your day. It also taught me that for masters of personal interest, if you truly need to end a relationship with someone, you simply stop responding. It’s far more effective than loudly proclaiming what you feel they do wrong. That will take far more away from you than if you cut ties.
“I tripped and fell I swear!”
Just use ed
if you’re feeling so fancy
Tall horse 🦒
There’s nothing cringe about my BTS shrine and underwear.
I was tricked into liking K-Pop. AMA.