Sometimes it’s not even direct violence, redlining is sufficient to keep you stuck where they want you to be
Sometimes it’s not even direct violence, redlining is sufficient to keep you stuck where they want you to be
Hopefully Deep Funding becomes popular enough that it no longer becomes a problem
ill have to recommend buying old refurbished printers
I didn’t even think about adding yt stuff to Plex. Thanks for mentioning it, I’ll go into that rabbit hole now
That sounds good, I’ll give it a watch as well
That’s a shame, I would have loved to keep using those thorns and eths. Quite weird to think that they didn’t even want to ask for a few customs pieces for those letters.
Most cities are regulated to prevent more housing being built. You should definitely read on the works of Strong Towns, and similar groups, and how you can help change the landscape of your city
Their website is great and has a ton of details