(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(FYI I didn’t make this and I believe it’s fake but honestly it’s hard to tell)
The goal of 3rd party apps is to do what’s best for the user so they continue to use their app
The goal of Reddit’s official app is to do what’s best for Reddit
It’s possible to expand on the functionality but that’s the fundamental misalignment on priorities regarding users
In Canada, you legally pick up to 2 of your parents’ last names for your last name
Superuser do? How about soviet worker do?!
I do agree with you on that. I think it’s worth considering but it’s not inherently decisive
That’s typically the argument regarding being apprehensive about the government knowing your medical & family history; there’s historical precedent of governments making very not good laws based on those.
Before WW2, the nazis basically outlawed being Jewish or Roma. A more recent example would be outlawing being gay or trans in some countries
What about when a government decides that you must wear a special armband for being Jewish or Roma or gay?
As a parent who doesn’t try to convince childless people to have children… fair point.
Sure but if my password is the entire lord of the rings trilogy as a string, hashing that would consume some resources
In an unarmored context, which applied very often throughout history, the spear is easier to use and especially lighter, which makes it a better and more nimble weapon. Spears can also be much longer than heavier pole arms whilst remaining usable, keeping the danger further away from the user
The speed at which one can move a spear tip is impressive and getting stabbed by it has large stopping power. The spear can also parry attacks in a large sweeping area, which makes it hard for anything else than another spear to get through
The more complex pole weapons start to shine in an armored context, where stabbing someone at the end of your long pointy stick becomes harder. Then, the hook-y, chop-y and spike-y bits of the halberd can really help tackle the armor
I’m sorry but you can totally control the margin size in LaTeX if you learn the right incantation
backslash UsEpAcKaGe letterpaper H-maaaaaaargin point seventy-niiiiiine inch brackets GEOOOOOMETRY
then you spread the entrails slightly and stab towards the sky. Really don’t see what the big fuss is all about.
We had to replace the entire screen assembly for that at the time but I’m sure it’s possible to do something less drastic if you are just working on your own machine
I worked on repairing Macs during that period and I suspect that no wifi card except this specific one would fit in the relevant slot of the machine.
They weren’t standard formats as far as I know and couldn’t be used across models because the shape of the actual card was never the same. It’s possible the connectors didn’t change though, or that a third party manufacturer made new cards specifically for that model, although that seems unlikely.
Another commenter (u/bloodfart) wrote that the connector was a standard mini pcie connector; I can’t confirm but that’s plausible and would mean it’s a lot more likely that an upgrade may be possible
One note of caution, it was really easy for an uninitiated repair person to sever the antenna wire from its connector when trying to disconnect or reconnect them, the cables are quite thin
Picking a higher density of the material just means the one gram would occupy less volume, it doesn’t affect how much energy that gram is equivalent to in terms of E=mc2. For that calculation, as the equation implies, only the mass matters; a gram of feathers is equivalent to the same amount of energy as a gram of lead for that equation. Now, this equation is in fact a simplified assumption; if you launch your feather at relativistic speed, then we’re talking
It doesn’t fit all the criteria you mentioned, but if you don’t print that much and wanna try a dryer before buying anything, you can make a cardboard foil tent for your printer bed and use that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MflrcqNozqs
Oh I see; I knew they stopped supporting it after a while but I thought the official app was a descendent of that codebase
The comparison is even more apt when you remember that the official Reddit app also used to be the most popular and great 3rd-party app called AlienBlue, which was purchased from 1 guy and rebranded a decade ago.
It’s pretty clear that the reason why the official Reddit app isn’t good is because a good experience for their users isn’t their goal.
There’s a channel called Improbable Matter on YouTube created by a scientist formerly working on fusion with a super interesting series about fusion power https://www.youtube.com/@ImprobableMatter