Stupid sexy bumblebee butts.
Stupid sexy bumblebee butts.
Same situation here. We need to remove at least part of the oak leaves. They take years to decompose on their own and they just smother ensuring else that wants to grow there. We try to leave a few piles until spring but if we didn’t manage the situation, the only plants thriving in the garden would be oaks.
And even if it worked, you wouldn’t need a radiation source more dangerous than a banana to make a geiger counter go click enough to play along.
I actually know a guy who’s favorite thing about his job is that he gets to count pollen.
Similar in Germany. The “we are done playing, ignore this and go to jail” mail will be sent in a special yellow envelope most of the time.
I’m in my mid thirties in Germany and literally never got or sent a single check.
I think that was what felisneurologists call “not his moment with the brain cell”.
I always find it fascinating how specific those theories become. Want to believe that our universe is just some sort of quark in a bigger universe we can’t know anything about? Fine. Doesn’t make terribly much sense, but what does at that scale anyway? But then going on and being sure that that bigger thing must be Plutonium? Why? How?
It’s not really to scale at all. Look at the distance between earth and the moon in relation to the other planets.