Uhhh 6? Ish?
Uhhh 6? Ish?
That’s a trick question. How many pound-feet of torque did you apply to the carpet?
He’s got my vote.
Shat next to a deaf guy once. Really made me think about the world.
Didn’t work out so well in 2016. Just saying. How many unpopular candidates is the DNC going to push through until they dummy up?
sHe’S eLeCtAbLe If YoU vOtE fOr HeR
TIL they only have a 16.3" barrel. Neat.
The fuck is an AK-47 pistol
Led by none other than Axl Rosebush
Where the grass is green and the rates are shitty?
Oh won’t you please sell my home?
Oktoberfest it is, then.
Lived in the middle of nowhere and the nearest grocery store was 25 miles away. Once every 4-6 weeks we’d go to town and get maybe 10-12 gallons of milk, a shit load of bread, and all the other stuff.
We kept milk in the freezer.
It’s not really something I look for or pay attention to when I see it. It’s something fun to keep an eye out for from now on though.
I’ve started using that recently and it is very handy.
It’s probably a tie between wikipedia and flashlight.
“hey guys look what I taught this idiot to do”
Maytag Blue has a pretty good ring to it.
Yea I need a drink