more money is not the goal of a long term relationship or at least, ought not be. I hope this person had other attractive qualities in addition to freeing you from working.
I wish
Yeah, why can’t he ignore the problems like us smart Stoics? Don’t think about it too hard, make brain sad UwU ~
Edit: Please excuse me, there was probably a less childish way to express my disappointment. Humans have feelings and judgments and the desire to use those faculties too. Denying these leads to both deep individual and systemic problems. Problems which, we are prepared in advance to be numb towards, and apparently that’s okay? I disagree. Hard pass. Thank you for coming to my dumb comment. Take care.
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That is such a [redacted] thing to do
The 'tism is strong
Are “they” in the room with us right now?
what did you expect? Well-adjusted people begging for moneyman’s attention and recognition? That’s disgusting. Get real.
why should I spend MY precious time? Waste your time instead!
You are replying to a person not your ai chat slave. Summary: Rude.
You’re not alone. The human body is an amazingly complex and intricate series of systems, and watching them fail in your parent one after another is… One of the worst things I have ever witnessed.
Like some illnesses just affect a specific area or part of the body, like when you break a bone of have the sniffles, but this? It is… very “creative” in the destruction of your loved one.
I wish your mom, yourself, your family, the best of luck.
Interbred? That makes Jesus kinda like the Xenomorph, right?
I’m in this meme and I don’t like it
Smoking will bring heaven closerrr
you don’t know me! I’m wrong about tons of stuff!
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Accidental wealth signaling