That’s the price for boards with assembly? Or just straight pcbs?
That’s the price for boards with assembly? Or just straight pcbs?
This is also what I’m playing. I’m just over halfway and I am still enjoying it, but feeling a bit let down overall. I got sucked into the hype, for once, so that’s my fault. I wasn’t prepared for the game to be so linear.
This post is super cool. I am not super into the boomer shooters, but I love the aesthetic. I wanna check out some of these total conversions now.
I don’t use awesomewm anymore, but used to. I am wondering if maybe it wouldn’t make sense to have a tiling wm community instead for content reasons. Could split out an awesomewm one later when there’s more lemmy users?
Just an idea. (also, I wouldn’t mind the space to talk about i3)
New skips all are interesting to see and learn about
I think I’m with you. I have very smart friends who swear by tumbleweed though. I’m personally using Debian bases for work, and a mix of Arch and NixOS at home.
Amazing game, and I say that as someone who generally doesn’t care for that style of game. It does take a little to get it’s feet, but when it gets it’s hooks in, it doesn’t let go. Give it a shot!