• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • So always assume some piece of knowledge is not obvious for someone out there and share

    You just described a thing of mine I cannot help but do; explain the ever loving crap out of things
    I need to be careful with that though as relatives start to complain and push back on me telling things over and over.
    Thing is, until I see a full comprehension on the other side on what I try to convey I just keep explaining in variations, keep finding metaphors and keep pestering you until you ‘get it’. Some say it is a virtue, some say it is a hindrance.

    I have had therapy on this… 😂

  • I use NPM in a docker container. It could not be easier in my opinion but then again, I did not use any of the alternatives so I might be missing out on something, who knows. I did manage a couple of proxy servers in the past based on Apache and I can tell you that NPM is much easier and logical to me than that.

    Just create a compose file and start it. Create DNS records pointing to your NPM IP address/exposed IP and make a host in NPM sending traffic to the right container IP:port. The compose file is super simple, could not be easier. Here’s mine for example:

        container_name: nginx-proxy-manager
        image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
        restart: always
          - '80:80'
          - '443:443'
          - ./data:/data
          - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

    I just make sure ports 443 and 80 are exposed on my router so DNS records can point to that IP adrdess. All traffic on port 80 gets re-routed to 443.

    I’m probably stating all the obvious things here 😀

  • I tried today, about 4 hours ago I guess? And this is about MySQL but perhaps the MariaDB issues are related? Anyway, I know it works for some (most?), just not for me and my attention span has only so much to spend on a graphing tool for db’s so I’m good. I was just curious, tried it out and failed. That’s all there is to it tbh. And as it was the very 1st step, I was immediately done as I have no clue what else will not work for me and I have only so much time and energy for project like this.

  • You got some good replies and I personally am enamored by LocalSend, it is worth checking it out.

    However, there is a simple way if a) you use whatsapp and b) the devices involved have access to whatsapp.
    This involves not just sending files but you can send text and whatever whatsapp supports and you’ll have a history of these chats should you need to have them later again. Probably possible with other platforms but I use whatsapp so that is what I setup for information transfer to myself.
    The thing you want to do is create a chat group, add a friend for a very brief moment, remove said friend again after they accepted, enjoy your private group where you can dump any and all info into and pick up from wherever you have whatsapp available. The trick is to add a friend for a couple of seconds. If you create a group you are automatically in it but you cannot use it until you add someone else, then it becomes active and use-able. The fact that you end up alone in that group does not make it unavailable again. Weird but it works.

  • Used to mess around with multiple Apache Proxy Servers. When I left that job I found Docker and (amongst other things) NPM and I swear, I stared at the screen in disbelief on how easy the setup and config was. All that time we wasted on Apache, the issues, the upgrades, the nightmare in setting it all up…

    If I were to do that job again I would not hesitate to use NPM 100% and stop wasting my time with that Apache Proxy mess.