Also, Waffle House employees actually serve the public.
Mmmn delicious epsom salt and oil so I can absolutely shit myself after I eat someone 😏
Glad I could help!!
I sure as fuck hope not my dude
Oh hell yeah that works just as well :3
Oh my god I’m saving this for the next pizza goblin time thank you so much 💞
I had to google this and WOW, you aren’t wrong. All hail our Brazilian pizza overlords.
I’ll agree with you here, especially on the inconsistency. European-style has been the absolute best or worst pizza I’ve had, but it never seems like there’s any in-between. American pizza is reliable if nothing else.
Also those mozzarella balls are delicious and for the 20 euro I paid for the real thing they should have put like triple on there.
As any true patriotic American should.
“And he who gives more than a thousand shekels will become a Supply Side Jesus Pioneer and have access to me at our annual Yom Kippur “Break the Fast” dinner.”
“The word of the Lord!!”
Become the dross boi you were always meant to be!
Oh my god that’s amazing thank you
Elon is too busy being angry at trans people to see all this nuance you’re just throwing out there. You think he has time to consider what people are saying or that other people have thoughts and feelings?
kisses u a lil on the forehead
You’re so fucking right.
Yeah but the meme says it’s feminine :(
Yeah, you’re probably right. And try and kill unions while they’re at it.
My gf worked at a warehouse in San Antonio for a few years, and would get heatstroke symptoms near-daily. I don’t get how this will even increase productivity if everyone’s constantly recovering from hyperthermia.
Where do you get labor from if you injure all your laborers to make a point?
I wouldn’t feel safe in Texas even at an airport making a connection.
So glad they put that thick protective white line there so I know I won’t be hit 🥰