If I well understood you, what you want is Debian with a great intaller. Don’t search anymore, there is the great Spiral Linux! Enjoy it.
If I well understood you, what you want is Debian with a great intaller. Don’t search anymore, there is the great Spiral Linux! Enjoy it.
You could try Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) it has timeshift installed in the live iso, useful to restore a system when it’s unbootable. Anyway it doesn’t come with KDE but Cinnamon or XFCE.
For me Debian or LMDE is good for a home server due to not continuous package update, just major security an important ones.
For a Deskop or laptop in my opinion Fedora KDE or Gnome is the best experience.
May I ask what you’re using? Which distro?
Just found it and tried on my home server, it works:
version: '3.3'
container_name: yarr
image: maskalicz/yarr:latest
- 7070:7070
- ./yarr-data:/data:rw
Anyway, it just have one view mode with 3 panels and it’s not customizable. At the moment, the most featured and exstesible RSS Feed service seems to be FreshRSS as suggested in the thread by @[email protected].
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Stability and configuration options. I already used Jellyfin but for me is not stable. It often crashes and configuration options are a mess at the moment.
The Sweet KDE Plasma theme is very cool! It should be the one used also by Garuda Linux.
Considering that I’m using Emby (selfhost), it’s able to manage my music collection too and I can play the music from the web player exposed by it.
Hey guys, I found this great installer for debian, chek it out! It rocks for new users too, providing wifi from the start and other things like a real debian live should be: https://spirallinux.github.io
Feedbro installed as Firefox/Chrome plugin is a great app as cross patform RSS reader.
Beautiful setup!