The most ridiculous argument ever. If they have some, then that would be a crime TOO. Even if they have truckloads, it doesn’t make it any less of a crime for Trump.
The most ridiculous argument ever. If they have some, then that would be a crime TOO. Even if they have truckloads, it doesn’t make it any less of a crime for Trump.
Neat, I’m round and high too!
I say nearly this same thing, which is probably similar to what every generation says about the next one. Wait until they “grow up” and find out what real problems are. Your pronoun won’t mean much if you lose your job and have to figure out how to pay the mortgage and for groceries before your kids starve.
Other languages get around just fine without gendered pronouns. I bet there are other languages that feel like English is missing valuable concepts as well (not necessarily gender-related) , but we don’t miss them since we never had them.
This is the way all language should be. Gendered words of any kind serve absolutely no purpose
THC makes that little bastard go to sleep in front of the TV
Or commas!