like, just off the top of my head there’s that whole “spy balloon” thing.
Furry tgirl, it/its, i like old/weird games, talk to me about morrowind.
like, just off the top of my head there’s that whole “spy balloon” thing.
if like, you aren’t too attached to the look of them, you could save a bunch by using an air cooler instead of an AIO water cooler, they don’t actually perform better than decent air coolers.
just get a shitty computer tbh, worse graphics is fine actually.
like i usually hate the whole, “buy a 2tb ssd, its only like $60” line. like to a lot of people that isn’t something you can just drop casually for a video game (especially on top of the price of the game itself!) but I don’t really think thats the perspective this writer is coming from.
like, the game industry is incredibly exploitative, even if piracy does causes direct harm to it, thats honestly a good thing, it is set up to benefit publishers and share-holders over anyone else, especially the people actually making the games. supporting the end of that isn’t “hippy-dippy”
bad, what could possibly justify someone being arrested over something like this? and the only one who could “deny pay” is the bosses anyway, game devs don’t get any sort of cut from profits.
whether or not games were ever like that isn’t actually relevent to the point they made, also tons of unfinished games are basically already sold as complete.
like i’ll admit to being flippant with my reply, but like yr prescribing malice to something that should be value neutral, like even if she is using sex to add to the appeal of her channel (which i think would be a fair assessment) that isn’t like, evil.
i checked out her videos because of this comment, they seem pretty cool! hope u get over yr fear of boobs ^_^
would you rather the resources be funneled into the millitary? also this had been planned years before the invasion
so like a lot of people will suggest a desktop pc, and if thats feasible for u i would go for it, they just tend to have less issues in general and r easier to troubleshoot. i don’t know much about steam deck but it seems pretty neat and def costs way less than a gaming laptop. also those games don’t seem all that intensive to run? the freezing probs isn’t a hardware issue.
like i can def think of plenty of exceptions, but most games work great with an xbox or dualshock controller, and you can even get a dinky little controller for yr phone on ebay for like $12
its def not stupid, legit sources are super inconvenient, like i forget account passwords all the time, and steam makes sharing yr games for multiplayer really hard. way easier to just go download a cracked copy
like, there isn’t a non-partisan stance towards masculinity
omg i had pretty much the same experience with TotK, not only were the maps huge but the animations and cutscenes took waaaaay too long.
the gaming space has changed a lot! there is more money pumped into it than ever before and little room for experimention in AAA titles. but the indie scene is enormous now and there are still tons of older mainstream games to play. no need to play pointless time sinks.
woah he killed that that guy
lol why should they accept it
“This is WELL beyond anything that Israel has done in the last few decades. Civilians killed during military actions in Gaza are not even remotely similar to this” why? they’re still dead.