Not as much of a rebrand as a merger
Give it a home feed that isn’t solely algorithmically driven and it’ll be back.
because none of these numbers are tethered to reality
You’re just upset that your right wing hatred constantly gets called out.
Either getting 120 stars in Mario 64 or all the heart containers in A Link to the Past, in the pre-Internet age of video gaming.
H/M to getting all my characters equipped with Moon armor in Chrono Trigger.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet!
The dude seriously is the Space Karen
lmao I love that article, thanks for the link!
Ironically enough, I just got done troubleshooting some insane rendering problems that a useMemo
I’ve been meaning to scope out Vue and never heard of Lit - thanks for some weekend inspiration
It sucks that a company as evil as Facebook also built and open sourced React.
It’s basically how reddit got its start - as an aggregator of content that originated elsewhere.
Honestly, it’s not the politics as much as misinformation and dog whistles that I don’t like.
You can’t have a discussion around those because none of it is ever introduced or supported in good faith.
All I’ve seen from you here is constantly struggling to start up right wing communities. Probably would be best if you didn’t help anyone else migrated here
And here I thought crackers were a family food
Fucking finally confirming judges again
Flavor ice. And I’ll kill for the orange one.
Lol. I hate this man so fucking much but the dude is a master troll.
God damn I just want him to die on the toilet pissing and shidding himself so badly. It’s really the only outcome that’d make sense