Not sure, both are looking a little coy
Not sure, both are looking a little coy
Playing hide and seek
I don’t go to reddit so this is fresh to me
Cue the Statler and Waldorf laughter
They needed the space for more freeway lanes
Actual square TV too, not even 4:3
Aww those look really tasty too.
If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing last minute.
No chance with all those holes though
While I’ve been overall enjoying Sasaki and Peeps, it’s definitely trying to do too much with the runtime it’s got. I’ve never read any of the source material so I don’t know what it could/should have been but I can feel that it’s fumbling some of the many balls it is juggling.
Dog food breath
I can certainly make time!
Bang Brave Bang Braven in the top 10 when
This show is nuts. I’m not sure how I feel about it.
One can only hope 🙏
Amazon removed them all within 24 hours of this being reported. Bad press does work.
I could sleep there all day
Enjoyed the first episode, it looks fun enough to continue to watch to see where it goes, even if the overpowered-skills-in-an-isekai premise is so overdone by this point. Plus I know someone who is familiar with the source material and he is quite enthusiastic about it so hopefully it’s been adapted well.
Xenia Onatopp best Bond villain.