Think nes, snes, and Sega game emulation. No reason to run over 30fps.
Why would you run such games at half the framerate? 60fps was the norm back then.
Think nes, snes, and Sega game emulation. No reason to run over 30fps.
Why would you run such games at half the framerate? 60fps was the norm back then.
Just bought that yesterday, I searched for a comment here mentioning it. Im already at it grinding tracks for 30 times in a row for that perfect run that I’m totally definitely gonna get soon.
Just tried it out, there have definitely improvements been made since I last tried it, I’m happy to see it get better.
This is a really cool project. Looks pretty convincing at first sight
Yeah, music is a weird one. I also always said I didn’t listen to music. I did listen to a lot of songs from video games though. When I was annoyed enough I told them something like Rock, but that always led to the question if I can name some artists or songs. Didn’t knew many. I hate these kinds of conversations.
Depends with the Wavebird. Due to using RF, the range can be pretty good. Or really bad if you live in a busy city.
Yeah, it looks pretty cool. I’m gonna take a break from the series, but I’ll definitely check it out at some point too.
It is. Finished Trials and Tribulations last week. What an adventure.
Man, still have to get one of those
Pretty cool design!
Depends. If you have a quality CRT monitor, the only problem is blooming. Misconvergence and geometry in general is really only a problem with low end models or large tubes. At higher refresh rates, there’s absolutely no flicker either.
Where did you get that with the contrast from? They look way better than any LCD, though OLED can come close or even surpass them.
Except when talking about motion clarity of course, which is something that somehow still can’t be beaten by modern technologies. Every display that isn’t a CRT just looks so blurry during motion. It makes a world of difference for games.
Since I got a nice CRT monitor, I hate playing on LCDs. Kinda regret getting that thing now.
Hell yeah man, 4:3 CRT monitors are superior in almost every way. I have a monitor that does up to 1920x1440p@75hz, but the best ones do up to 2048x1536@80hz. Crazy.
Ever heard of the Trine series? 5 games by now (can only speak about the first 4 though), and they are really fun together. Basically 2d puzzle games with 3 different characters that all have their own abilities, which leads to many different ways to solve puzzles. Highly recommended.
Definitely at least once a week, though usually more than that.
Yeah the SP is quite something special. It uses clicky buttons, but also keeps the rubber membranes which give it this softer clickiness. Not sure why Nintendo did that? Though to be fair it was also one of the first consoles to use clicky buttons, maybe they just hadn’t completely figured it out yet?
I often find myself getting a notification 10+ minutes after I get a message
Oh that’s interesting, sometimes I don’t get notified at all
10 minutes sound pretty solid to me.
Well yeah, that’s what I just said?
I might have to pirate a game from the Wii U though they they won’t remake for the switch:(
I don’t remember Nintendo ever remaking a Wii U game for switch, and even if they port one over, the experience is only marginally better than it used to be
I’d also recommend the universal android debloater. makes the whole process quite easy.
No, not quite. 60fps (or 50fps for PAL regions) was basically always the target for 2D games rendered at 240p, because it was easily achievable with the hardware and looked way better.
When 3D games started to appear with the release of the PS1, Saturn and N64, 60fps was often out of the question because the hardware wasn’t powerful enough.
Interlacing doesn’t really have anything to with that. Interlacing just means that of the 480 lines of resolution, only half get shown on screen every frame (always the even or uneven ones). Since the image gets rendered in 480p anyway, it doesn’t matter whether or not the game gets rendered at 60fps or not.
Except when using field rendering, which was popular on the PS2. There, only the lines that get shown that frame get rendered, which is why it only works at 60fps. Maybe that was what you were thinking about?