I prefer starting with a netinstall and taking the time to choose the software I want rather than the kitchen sink distros. Or on Windows putting together one command to add what I want in a similar fashion, e.g. https://winstall.app/apps
I prefer starting with a netinstall and taking the time to choose the software I want rather than the kitchen sink distros. Or on Windows putting together one command to add what I want in a similar fashion, e.g. https://winstall.app/apps
I prefer LTSC and Raphire’s debloat script https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat and I wouldn’t say it’s onerous. A nit-picky peeve with ad-hoc Windows installs is that setting the keyboard input for the installer doesn’t define the default, and that Windows 11 has gone backwards in terms of setting up default user profile settings, much more single user focused.
Yes, I liked the interface of Jellyfin as a more family friendly media browsing UI but I hate the wasted CPU cycles of transcoding unnecessarily.
For something in-between, there’s https://winstall.app/
It’s a bit of a roundabout way to get your micronutrients https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/animal-feed-additives-market unless you’re conflating subsistence farming with the bulk of production and consumption.
See page 12 of https://www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e01.pdf in terms of feedstock percentages at that time (total production has doubled since then https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/animal-feed-industry-grow-up-due-rising-consumption-aqua-waghmare )
Over a third of crops are grown to feed livestock, and that’s if you’re not counting pasture as a crop, which it absolutely is - arguably our first solar powered factory floor. Even areas that were grazed in the past have had the relative proportion of native flora and fauna severely reduced to minimal levels through introduced grasses and overgrazing. To get a feel for land use against calorie production, you could have a browse through https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/feeding-9-billion/ for an overview.
Food is grown specifically to feed livestock though, it would be a pretty weird trophic pyramid for them to survive on our waste unless you went back to a time where people killed their one pig for the year and salted it away. In our country, the land degradation from clearing hill country for grazing has led to enormous biodiversity loss and a self-fufilling prophecy of eroded weak topsoil that people claim isn’t good for anything else (though it could still be rewilded and in other cultures and times would be terraced and swaled to support plant crops).
I’ve never found Thunderbird search bad compared to alternatives, as long as I’m not looking to find content inside attachments. Really fast and responsive and being a desktop client without paginated results makes moving and deleting in bulk so much easier. Would love it to be as powerful as Voidtools Everything to get a bit more granular sometimes but otherwise pretty happy with it.
After you’ve skimmed the water off, then towel dried inside the shower, the bathmat barely needs to get wet, especially if you step onto your towel when getting out.
Bathrooms should have a floor drain regardless of whether they are of the wet variety. I personally hate the concept of a wet bathroom and the behaviour it encourages. Stuff gets wet that shouldn’t, it just makes everything harder and expands the scope of cleaning while compromising “dry” tasks after someone else has used the shower if they partake in the undisciplined behaviour the design encourages. Also not a fan of all the functions being in one room.
Do you mean the ping of death? That was pretty cross-platform and a bit earlier https://insecure.org/sploits/ping-o-death.html
My favourite Windows is still 2000.
Sigma Nutrition is not related to the more recently trending term of Sigma Male and its brand of toxic masculinity if that is what you are worried about.
I’m not sure where you’re seeing this stated as the leading reason? It sounds like the straw man arguments by those who dismiss concerns with sodium intake. You may be interested in the following discussion https://sigmanutrition.com/episode375/
Well, not really. That though the words are related, from the link:
There is a huge gulf between the nomadic Hebrew tribes of the Bronze Age and ancient Rome, and one cannot take a vague allusion in the Hebrew Bible and apply it to a civilization a millennium and more than a thousand miles distant.
The myth may have arisen in the minds of medieval readers. A number of ancient Roman writers engaged in wordplay and puns about male genitalia and testimony—the similarity between the words was not lost on them—and medieval readers may also have conflated the biblical readings with Roman practice. In any case, it’s not the origin of the Latin or English word.
The updates often do take many times the install time which can be a bit frustrating, though it is an area being worked on: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/blog/windows-itpro-blog/introducing-windows-11-checkpoint-cumulative-updates/4182552