There is no genocide happening.
Place your bets, people: is it willful ignorance or just denial?
There is no genocide happening.
Place your bets, people: is it willful ignorance or just denial?
Doesn’t matter. The point is that not being convicted is not synonymous with innocence. Innocence and guilt both exist outside the current iteration of the justice system.
Deliberately putting yourself in a situation you need to defend yourself using lethal force for the sake of defending yourself using lethal force is murder.
I’m a murderer whether or not I’m convicted. Murderers predate the US justice system.
Should Rittenhouse have been convicted? Probably not, because it’s not worth sacrificing the protections inbuilt to the legal system for the sake of punishing a snivelling shit weasel like Rittenhouse. That doesn’t make him innocent though.
OJ Simpson also wasn’t convicted.
It seems kind of obvious Rittenhouse went looking for a situation he could put himself in so that he could shoot somebody. That’s murder if you can prove it, but good luck proving it.
The US military HAS a method of distinguishing “delisting for reason A” from “delisting for reason B”, but they’re all coming up as false positives for The Rock’s endorsement? That seems a touch unlikely.
You’re suggesting ONLY 38 people total delisted during the total length of the promotion? Those are incredibly low numbers.
The act of inserting this context into the system is itself context, so I’m still existing in the context of what came before
If somebody tricks you and you fall for it, it doesn’t mean what you were tricked into believing isn’t context, or that the fact you were tricked at all isnt context.
Yeah they’re going to cast like the highest paid actor in the world and then not show his face
Memories being given as an input to the system are themselves context
The UK has some real cabbage head PMs cycling through, and shot themselves in the foot by leaving the EU.
Trump served a four year term as president.
People already are starting to forget somebody just took a shot at trump. I don’t think the 18 month cycle was ever necessary.
If Ericsson was a person they’d struggle to dress themselves
All the probing is just backpay that’s accumulated a lot of interest.
f they can determine your browser was associated with some set of unique IDs, then they can track you
The only scenario in which this could happen would leave both strategies equally vulnerable.
No, the idea is that you can’t be traced via fingerprinting.
You and 1000 friends go to a party all dressed in the same Mr Blobby costume. When one of you gets absolutely shitfaced at the open bar and vomits in the middle of the dance floor, they get kicked out and banned from next week’s rager. Next week rolls around, and 1001 Mr Blobbys rock up on on the dance floor, because management has no idea which Mr Blobby cost them their deposit last week.
You and 1000 friends all go to a party dressed as a unique DeviantArt Sonic OC. One of you fails to hold their liquor. They get kicked out. You all attend the party next week all wearing a completely different costume of a completely different DeviantArt Sonic OC, since the number of them is functionally infinite. Management can’t kick the vomiteer out because as far as they’re concerned, Jimmy the Hedgehog didn’t show up this week, because whoever was Jimmy the Hedgehog is now Steve the Echidna.
If it’s unique every time it means they can’t create a consistent fingerprint for you.
A UUID assigned to each user is unique, but that’s not useful for tracking unless you can ensure each user keeps the same number across visits.
I don’t think the comment you replied to justifies the level of scrutiny you’re putting it under.
Polling post-debate more or less justifies what it says.
I don’t answer questions from people who can’t answer my own.
You didn’t ask a question.
But for there to be somebody to downwardly punch, then it must be true.