Wonder if they will make EU-only variant of hardware and software which will be like totally different phone. They already did sideloading, USB-C and now this. What next?
Wonder if they will make EU-only variant of hardware and software which will be like totally different phone. They already did sideloading, USB-C and now this. What next?
I use them constantly on laptop with GNOME. It makes it easier to switch windows with touchpad. On desktop I don’t use them so often, because I forget about them.
It supported torrent for ages, but it has only one tracker that doesn’t really have very much content. Now qBitTorrent or something else supports it out of the box.
I2P is very slow, slower than Tor. Maybe after more people join, it will be faster. Last time I tried it was painfully slow to even load most eepsites.
If you don’t buy no-name brand phones, you will get at least one major update. Even chinese brands such as xiaomi will provide updates. You can also install generic LineageOS image if your phone can be unlocked some way, official or not. It works on most devices.
But many smart TVs become useless very quick. When I was using 2015 phone in 2020, TV newer than that already loaded the lightweight Google version for unsupported browsers and vast majority sites/apps became unavailable. It used browser that was already 2 years old when it was released and never released an update to it. But when there was root vulnerability, they released a fix after long time of being basically unsupported.
I was using Flatpak and Toolbx exclusively until I discovered Nix. It’s much better than using those two.
I use Gitea as project hosting and personal wiki. I also host Nextcloud for files and news and Jellyfin for movies and music.
In this order.
They deleted my Reddit account for me long time ago, I’m ahead of all of you.