You seem to define work as holding a paid job outside of the home. I disagree with that definition.
You seem to define work as holding a paid job outside of the home. I disagree with that definition.
You’re not responding to my comment, just throwing in your extremely simplistic agenda. Your suburban american 50’s dream was a blip in time and space that is meaningless to most people.
Edited to add: The labor force participation rate for women in the US in 1955 was 34.5%. Women even worked in the 50’s.
Cooking, cleaning and tending the family farm are all examples of work. As are making, washing and mending clothes. Teaching, nursing, bookkeeping, sex work and running a large household (or working in one) are also jobs. Helping to run the family business, whether a farm, a bakery, a church or a blacksmith, is working. Women did not just sit around embroidering things, and those who did sold their embroidery for money. You should also realise that all the men going to the office/factory every day is a recent development. My grandmothers both held gainful employment before world war 2.
It’s meant to say ‘Depart, men of education’
I’m right there with you. Women have always worked and the 50’s housewife in the US is a historical blip that women fought to escape.
‘Ideological neo parasite’ is just another way of saying thought crime which is pretty funny coming from Mr ‘ethos of freedom’.
The astronomical mathematical models that we call chatbots are awesome and i don’t use them for anything. They have inspired me to sporadically try to relearn my linear algebra but university was too many beers ago and i’m stupid now.
I don’t know why anyone needs forgiveness from god. Seems to me that god is the one who needs to be forgiven for creating all this suffering.
Octopus skin. Neat.
Ok, I’m going to get hate for this but cognitive dissonance is not a pejorative or a synonym for hypocrisy. It’s a feeling one gets from holding conflicting cognitions that provokes further thought. I doubt his fans experience it at all as ‘trump said so’ is enough to make anything make sense to them.