That’s why you introduce the marker (like resistance to a common antibiotic ) in the same strand, then put antibiotic in the bathtub to kill the rest. Of course its a good idea to wash the tank first…
That’s why you introduce the marker (like resistance to a common antibiotic ) in the same strand, then put antibiotic in the bathtub to kill the rest. Of course its a good idea to wash the tank first…
I will be disappointed if I learn none of these supposed genres are real.
As I understand the process is fairly straightforward - yeast picks up dna from the environment, so the process involves creating a dna strain which includes both the intended change and a marker change, like resistance to something that would normally kill the yeast. Then introduce the dna to the yeast and introduce the poison which will kill the yeast that didn’t pick up the dna.
Anyway, that’s what I seem to remember from synth bio course from years ago, I might have misunderstood tho.
I have actually wondered why this isn’t a thing. You can order a yeast 2.0 sample from a supplier and the relevant DNA strand from a DNA printing company, multiply the DNA and introduce it to the yeast and you’re game.
Yote has class.
I wanna know too.
Edit: apparently it’s a burger where the bun has been toasted in butter and relatively simple ingredients. Sounds pretty good tbh.
My desk fan has three settings
I actualy set up a trailing edge dimmer to calm her down, sometimes you just need a gentle breeze.
I thought you were kidding but no, they do and the reason is otherwise they wouldn’t fit under environmental protection laws.
I have this in a big way. My spouse is a master chef and I refuse to eat at restaurants which serve foods from her home country because they can’t compete.
Her happiness is contagious!
Or we pretend to be opening a Koskenkorva bottle in whatever orientation the bolt is in.
My grandfather’s cat used to play goalie. She would guard some area, like a doorway and expect us to tty to toss a ball or something through. She’d then catch it and return the ball to us for more.
Hey! Usually our summers have relatively little snow!
I can’t bring myself to rewatch the damn thing, how can I expose my children to it?!
Women are the same with you too much to get out and get it out and have to get it out and have to go out of it
Uhh, should I worry?
My only question is, why are only amphibians measured this way?
What I meant was (and I was being a little humorous) that your normal type is the one you’d rationally want to like intellectually and emotionally and this dude is the one you.are physically attracted to. I was thinking you were crying over the men you wanted to be similarly physically attracted to and the strong emotional reaction was a result of your surprise at how intense the physical attraction could be.
It’s OK to have more than one type and be attracted to different people for different reasons. I think you have just discovered a new aspect of your own preferences and are trying to reconcile them.
Perhaps you secretly know you’ll end up with a guy much like this one, and are therefore crying for the others…
Then when you finally upgrade to premium plus max lifetime, the acquisition happens and lifetime licenses get cancelled.
That hiding candy (or other things people wanted) was a universal property of grandmothers.
English is not my first language, but I had heard the expression “search all nooks and crannies”, but thought the last word was grannies - cranny is an unusual word.
Now,my own grandmother was in the habit of hiding candy for us to find. I thought the expression existed because all grannies hid things. Search all nooks and grannies!