Steve Berry, a Democrat, was also running as independent in that election. He peeled off about 8k voters.
Steve Berry, a Democrat, was also running as independent in that election. He peeled off about 8k voters.
Classic Rock is an ever expanding black hole of music
I’ve had kinda an inverse experience of this.
I was on a vacation to Mexico with my family and we decided to visit a local zoo. For the most part it was pretty similar to what we have back home with lions and gorillas but there was one exhibit that was drawing a large crowd so we decided to go see what it was. Once we are able to get a look inside there were just 4 or 5 white tailed deer grazing on some grass. We got a good laugh because back home these things are common to the point of nuisance. I don’t speak Spanish but I then started to notice several children pointing and mentioning “Bambi” to their parents and all the commotion made sense
This guide explains what’s going on and how to fix it. Scroll down to the section titled “Oh no but wait”
Here’s the corresponding video
IDK I saw Logan Lucky for the first time last year and it kinda blew me away. I think heist movies can still be great with the right script
I don’t really understand the antitrust argument here. There are a literal ton of other market places to sell PC games on, such as Humble Bundle which apparently Wolfire started. You could also sell directly to consumers if you wanted without going through a marketplace at all.
That’s basically what the expansion for the first Baldurs Gate was so they could call it “MORE Tales of the Sword Coast”
Yeah I’ve envisioned sharable block lists that you can subscribe to similar to pihole. That’d be great
Kinda sounds like it might be easier to get away with if it was a crime and the burden of proof was higher
“I didn’t know the router Comcast gave me came with an unprotected ‘Guest’ network enabled by default. Someone in one of the other apartments must have been using it to download torrents”
Sounds like a reasonable doubt to me, I’m sure there’d be plenty of other explanations. Plus the work to retrieve everyone’s computers to investigate who actually downloaded it would be prohibitively intensive in anything other than the most extreme cases
It’s been six years since I switched from an X2 to a pixel 2 and I still miss the flashlight chop
For years I’ve been trying to get a rip of the Dragon Ball Z: Rock the Dragon box set usually sells for hundreds of dollars. The thing that makes it special is that its the only release with the voice cast that originally aired in the States. Those voices (Vegeta and Krillin particularly) hold a lot of nostalgia for me
I’ve been trying to find this for years with no success but when seeing this post I decided to look around again and it seems like luck is finally with me. Some kind soul uploaded all of it along with the Westwood dub (same voice actors doing the later seasons that were dubbed by Funimation here in the states) to archive.org
I think at least part of it is to let people buy with cash or store credit though I do wish they made it more like a branded gift card or something because that would be less waste
I was going to link directly to the TorrentGalaxy profile but saw the sidebar mentions not linking to torrents directly and since his profile has a bunch of torrents on it I was worried it would run a foul of that rule.
I figured their website is a good middle ground of pointing in the right direction without lining directly to torrents
Smcgill1969 is the gold standard for motorsports. I know F1 races are usually up a few hours afterwards, looks like they do MotoGP as well
I think everyone here understands that most people don’t live in northern Europe with great cycling and train infrastructure. So you do what you got to do to live a happy life in car infested capitalist society, nothing wrong with that. If that means you need a car, get a car. Preferably it’d be used and with a low ride height / bumper height. So it’s at least a bit safer for cyclist and pedestrians.
I think all we ask is that when there is an opportunity to advocate for more pedestrian or cycling infrastructure that you do so
I’ve never personally messed with it but if you have a Chromecast already then you could try installing LineageOS