Does anyone have a link to her actual findings? I tend to be skeptical of headlines like this.
Also, the first woman? Props to her but I’m quite surprised no one else has done that
I often use tone tags, so in their absence, try to interpret everything I say as literally as reasonable.
Formerly @[email protected]
Does anyone have a link to her actual findings? I tend to be skeptical of headlines like this.
Also, the first woman? Props to her but I’m quite surprised no one else has done that
Why does sudo su
exist? sudo -i
does exactly what you want.
American media being more pro-Israel than mainstream Israeli media is continuously baffling
Might as well just use Vim then
Yes. Though I believe it only kills the current frame if there are multiple
But then she comes back again, and they both disappear
You only really need
and then the video ID
Reform copyright
People are very justifiably terrified of Trump. And Kamala is really something new and fresh
It definitely is, but it doesn’t try to force recommendations on you like YouTube. You can mostly just subscribe to channels you like and view their content.
Ah, who needs Jewish space lasers when we have French earth lasers?
A new public library place recently opened very near to where I live. I’ve nothing to say, am just a bit comforted that when the world is crashing and burning, at least I can be happy about this.
Also some libraries provide 3D printers which is really cool
edit: I didn’t notice how many people were commenting about 3D printers
And it can also store passkeys to effortlessly sync between desktop/Android/iOS
And then there’s Belgium, which apparently holds the world record for longest time without a government. At least introduce time limits for negotiations, guys…
That has to do with the definition of what a word even is (an open problem!). “Alot” is clearly made up of two separate units, but so is “anyway”. I think a lot of people don’t like this one because it’s simply unnecessary. You need “anyway” to show that the two words are not stressed separately, but treated as one unit, whereas with “a lot” this is already obvious (“a” is almost never stressed).
Also has to do with English spelling just being bad, generally.
There’s no way of knowing that, though. Perhaps their Linux and Darwin drivers wouldn’t have paniced the system?
Regardless, doing almost anything at the kernel level is never a good idea
>Make a kernel-level antivirus
>Make it proprietary
>Don’t test updates… for some reason??
I can follow this, up to
I believe that that’s a decision made by translators of the bible. Hebrew doesn’t have lowercase letters, and the Greek versions of the New Testament that I found don’t capitalize as much. And are they distinct?