You selling subscriptions to make up the difference? My server only cost me money so far lol
You selling subscriptions to make up the difference? My server only cost me money so far lol
Yeah Lenovo tinies ares great I have a bunch of m910q’s I use for everything
I love my Tidal, me and my partner both use it. I generally really like the track radio and the mixes it serves up for me.
I have a stack of 5th - 7th Gen tinies I can’t seem to get rid of lol
My dad made me learn on one and take my test with one. I’ve had a few over the years, I really like them. Looking for a cheap one now so I can teach my partner how. Mid 30’s Canada.
8-10 hours a day. I have my own company so there’s always something to do. Sometimes I play Cities when it’s real slow and I’m caught up on paperwork but that’s not really that often.
Laserquest misunderstanding created this
Yeah I am in and out of it constantly.
I tried for a little while with VirtualBox on Ubuntu but just found it inconvenient.
Sometimes you want to play a specific game.
For me, it’s QuickBooks that requires windows. I use Linux everywhere except on the bookkeeping machines for my business.
I care about what’s being tracked on those machines for sure.
It’s what I use to remote access to my Starlink network. Have it running on a little Linux box, and publishes my internal subnet so I can access any device on my network with Tailscale running on just one PC.
Not sure about wifi cameras, I have a mix of Trendnet and Hikivision POE, sitting on a Vlan with no internet access. For the software I use Blue Iris. Where I have a need for cameras I have only a Windows server and I have found this software to be the best for me.