That is absolutely not a bad faith interpretation but rather a clear reading of what you have said so far. If you cannot see the similarities in communist and fascist methodologies and execution, both historically and looking at the current climate, you are not assessing it objectively. Both communists and fascists have utilized repression, non democratic governance, torture, and killed millions of civilians who have the audacity to challenge their extremist views. Similarly with this discussion thread being a perfect example, both communists and fascists react negatively to any and all criticism and works hard to brigade and shutdown any discussion that might be contrary to their views.
I am not sure what kind of strange bubble you live in but that is objectively not true. Most people on the left are most definitely not communists. You either do not understand what the word communist means, or you live in a very strange bubble or country where everyone on the left is described as a communist.
Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’)[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.
Most people on the left are NOT pushign for common ownership of the means of production and distribution and are most definitely not in support of a centrally planned economy.
This is also the danger of extremist views, they think anyone who does not subscribe to their extremist viewpoint is against them and the enemy when in reality, 90% of the people on the left would not agree with communist ideology which has failed in reality time and again.
Just because you can’t differentiate between what a personality type is and what beliefs and positions are doesn’t mean that statement isn’t true. You just seem to conflate political positions with behaviour itself.
I didn’t even say right and left are the same, I specifically mentioned extremists who are a minority on both sides.
Again you should try learning to read. I never said people on both sides. Most people on either the right or the left aren’t extremist commies or fascists. The extremists minorities on the other hand, one and the same. Intolerant of any other views or criticism. Your comments are a perfect example demonstrating.
There we go, perfect example of extremists making discriminatory statements and unable to engage in discussion. I care about politics plenty, I just don’t subscribe to one dimensional propaganda not supported by data.
Protip: attacking everyone who doesn’t share your extremist and hateful views doesn’t really make you look any better or change their mind. But I do get it gives you an outlet to be channel all your hate and blame others when you are just too dumb to understand nuance.
No actually I am most definitely correct. You are either just too biased to accept it or can’t separate viewpoints from personality types and behaviours.
Perfect example above of not being able to read or understand nuance.
Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy** are the same positions**.
Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same.
If you tried actually reading, you would have noticed how I in fact said the exact opposite. I never claimed they were the same, I specifically mentioned they may latch on to different things/positions. What I said instead was that they had the same personality type.
The political spectrum is a circle. Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same. Loud hateful aggressive assholes lacking the intelligence to understand nuance.
Okay so what are you getting from either of those that you can’t get from attending the same on Teams/Zoom etc.?
Firstly real human interaction. There is a lot of team building that can occur just from having lunch together. Second, just physically being able to put sticky notes or drawing lines and watching someone else do so without having to have someone try to point out where exactly they put something to you in a virtual whiteboard is way more efficient.
Workshops also just feel like school and the presenters always talk too fast, quiet, or accented for my hearing and ADHD to make it worth me going to one, some dedicated study time always was the better route for me.
Firstly if you just have a presenter talking to you, then that doesn’t sound like a collaborative workshop. Workshops might have someone who guides the discussion but never just presenters otherwise that’s not really a workshop and more just a presentation that can be done online.
Meanwhile strategy sesh’s are just conversations with an end goal, nothing difficult about that at all.
I am not sure what kind of strategy sessions you are having but when you are setting things like commercial STRAP for divisions of 20K or more employees, you need more than just a conversation. You need to draw out roadmaps, have working sessions, even the human interactions through lunches and dinners plays a big part.
One thing people who are against work from home have to realize is that not everybody functions the same, some people do better remotely, others need the office.
It’s not black or white. I am a remote worker who travels regularly. Would I ever give up being remote. No. More than half my job can be done from home and I am not wasting my time travelling to the office. But that doesn’t mean I don’t acknowledge when something is just better in person. Not everything is perfect remote and not everything needs to be done in the office. You can have a mix of both and choose based on the requirements of the task.
Additionally, the type of people who are in positions to set organizational strategy are usually the types of personalities that do function between in person because they are typically extroverted personalities. It’s not like I am suggesting you bring a developer to an on site session. I am talking about leaders.
In your opinion. Secondly if the vast majority of consumers were chimps, then we would market what appeals to chimps. I don’t see how pointing out that the vast majority of consumers are dipshits changes anything. Companies will still market to the people who buy their products. Not super niche use cases.
I am not. Sure my pocket has plenty of depth too but that doesn’t mean i want a giant slab in it when there is plenty of width to spare and my phone can afford to get thicker.
I prefer working remote as well and not suggesting going back full time. I just think there are some things that are better in person. Fortunately my work provides a good balance where I am remote 50 - 80% of the time but can fly in to different locations for a F2F when necessary.
Depends on the type of work. Workshops and strategy sessions are definitely better in person than online for me.
Maybe for you. For me I always found the length annoying. My pockets have width. A phone can be thicker. That’s also the case with a lot of purses.
I find them much easier to carry.
I am aware what a 7 row keyboard is. My point is the vast majority of consumers don’t use or care for such a feature, especially if it means they get a slighter thinner, lighter, sleeker laptop.
That analogy would work if toys were ultimately targeted to adults which they are not. A smartphone on the other had is targeted towards adults thus getting a child or teen to have brand loyalty at an early age would ultimately convert to sales as an adult.
This is exactly how I feel when my American colleagues discuss the weather in Fahrenheit.