I wouldn’t be surprised if FB/Meta tried to just settle out of court and pay them off.
I wouldn’t be surprised if FB/Meta tried to just settle out of court and pay them off.
The companies that continue to try to force RTO will just alienate most millennials and zoomers. Good luck finding a wide enough group of people to fill those jobs you supposedly need filled. Most workers hate RTO, no matter how much BS, posturing, and gaslighting you do corporate, you’re not going to win this one.
I have actually read it cover to cover as well. But just because something is written in a book doesn’t make it true. The genre of fiction exists. And the very concept of religion, all of them are made up. As in there was a time in the history of Earth where no religion existed. Dinosaurs didn’t have religion for example, and they came before humans, who created religion.
Jesus, whom they claim to love/worship/etc., would be labeled a dirty commie/socialist by them for wanting to help the poor, sick, and needy. And for loving everyone. They hate Jesus. They worship supply side Jesus AKA Republican Jesus.
Same thing with banning books. This is fascist bullshit and it’s not about protecting children or anyone else. It’s about pushing their false Christianity, their christofascism on everyone whether they like it or not and trying to turn the country into a fascist “Christian” theocractic dictatorship where they can say and do whatever they want whenever they want about anything or anyone but no one else can.
I mean if they got everything they wanted, that’s great, but I think the country as a whole would, in the long term, benefit from them striking anyways. Why? Because those in power think they’re immune to consequences for their actions. They think they hold all the power and can do whatever they want whenever they want. The only way other than a revolution to take some of that power back is for a massive general strike unlike this country has ever seen before.
Agreed. Live chat has its place for certain things, but for other things a forum type interface is better suited.
Yep, it certainly is, but hardly anyone ever talks about it, especially not in mainstream media. Why? Because the ones doing it, i.e. the corporations, own the media. They’re not going to tell on themselves. Instead they’ll gaslight and lie about supposedly “rampant” retail theft that is nowhere near as widespread as they like to claim and constantly report. And gullible people believe them because it’s on the news, it must be real, right?