Excellent work

  • BakoBitz
    801 year ago

    @itmightbethew These are all great but /r/interestingasfuck seems to have hit on something that could have a real impact: Reddit apparently can’t sell advertising on NSFW subs. Imagine if /r/pics and /r/aww and other tip subs just opened themselves up to whatever, it would down Reddit in porn and destroy the site’s reputation. I’m sure the admins would try to force them back to SFW, but it could be a powerful tactic.

    • @[email protected]
      511 year ago

      What are the admins going to do? Moderate? If the moderators are approving NSFW posts, the sub is NSFW… Heck I’m not sure if they have to go that far. On r/cigars every single post is NSFW because cigars are Satan. Just do that to all the subs so every single post requires you to click to reveal the NSFW content. It’ll be like NSFW roulette. Heads, it’s a helpful guide to setting up a service on the cloud. Tails, it’s goatse.

      • @[email protected]
        191 year ago

        Throw in some random gore there for the nuclear option. NSFL is NSFW. And reddit never bothered to distinguish the two so let them down in yet more of their own poor decisions

        • @[email protected]
          171 year ago

          Worse than that, Reddit banned all the NSFW subs from /all but DIDN’T ban the NSFL sub. So now instead of and unfiltered /all, with a mix of all the best everything, it’s now a curated collection of no porn and the occasional gore.

      • @jivandabeastA
        161 year ago

        Ridiculous, one day i logged into r/cigars, saw all the nsfw banners and had to do a double take on whether i was on the right sub

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        The tobacco pipe subs are NSFW as well. This was forced on them a few years ago by the admins as they seem to have a big thing against tobacco, but subs for substances much more harmful, like cocaine, are not NSFW.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I just love that formula1 has used that logic as basis to declare themselves nsfw and thus not eligible for all or ads 🤣

    • NRVulture
      231 year ago

      That NSFW post on r/interestingasfuck has reached r/all lmfao

    • the wOP
      221 year ago

      You’re dead right. If $$$ are Spez’s priority then that’s what we should target. A knock on effect is that it catches the attention of the casual redditor. I have a couple friends who read reddit but were clueless on these issues. Until the NSFW content. One DM’d me tonight

      "“I was on lunch, and I was like “WTF happened to my reddit feed??””

      so that’s working