K well dudes posted a link with evidenxe of them getting the sick days. Since I’ve been yanked back and forth so hard on this. Can you post where you found that this isn’t what they wanted and the administration did leave them to the corps? Genuinely want to know the truth.
Also, sick days are far from the only problem worth striking for. Workers threatened to strike over that points system, but the railway sued them over that and won, so they’re not “allowed” to strike over that now. Bet they would’ve appreciated Biden working for them with that, but I guess it wasn’t an issue for him.
I agree we should all be having a general strike. And tbh they should strike over not allowed being able to strike cause thats immoral as fuck. I’m just saying he didn’t have to follow up for shit and he did.
K well dudes posted a link with evidenxe of them getting the sick days. Since I’ve been yanked back and forth so hard on this. Can you post where you found that this isn’t what they wanted and the administration did leave them to the corps? Genuinely want to know the truth.
Also, sick days are far from the only problem worth striking for. Workers threatened to strike over that points system, but the railway sued them over that and won, so they’re not “allowed” to strike over that now. Bet they would’ve appreciated Biden working for them with that, but I guess it wasn’t an issue for him.
I agree we should all be having a general strike. And tbh they should strike over not allowed being able to strike cause thats immoral as fuck. I’m just saying he didn’t have to follow up for shit and he did.
Tbh, that’s an extraordinarily low bar, and does little to nothing to make up for breaking the strike in the first place, imo.
Its a high bar for any capitalist. Thats what our politicians are.
They were asking for 15. They would have been happy with 7. They were given 4.
And IBEW voted for getting only 1.