Online communists frequently let perfect be the enemy of the good. Many of the people yelling at you online (not all!) have never participated in any form of boots-on-the-ground activism, never done mutual aid, never attended a protest. Given that a solid majority of these people who get very loud online are slacktivists, I wouldn’t worry too much about what people say online. Go out there, do real praxis, and advocate for what’s right.
Semantics. The point is that “good” isn’t good enough for leftists, and anything that isn’t good enough is Bad
Online communists frequently let perfect be the enemy of the good. Many of the people yelling at you online (not all!) have never participated in any form of boots-on-the-ground activism, never done mutual aid, never attended a protest. Given that a solid majority of these people who get very loud online are slacktivists, I wouldn’t worry too much about what people say online. Go out there, do real praxis, and advocate for what’s right.
Excellent reminder, thank you