They took out my gallbladder because of stones. No place to store the bile now. Without a gallbladder, the bile enters the intestine in a fairly random way. In some people, that bile acts as a powerful laxative. Unfortunately, I’m in that group. I have challenges now. I miss my gallbladder. Stupid gallbladder.
Stones travel via the cystic duct into the common bile duct having no interaction with the liver. I mean that can block shit up and restrict outflow from the liver but this comic is physiologically incorrect. I’m great at parties
It doesn’t refer to the interaction of liver with stones. The bile acids are produced in liver then transported to the gallbladder, where they are stored and released into the intestine when needed. The whole role of gallbladder is to accept and release the bile salts, the “stuff that liver makes”. But then sometimes gallbladder makes stones and it has to be removed because of it.
also, livers can’t talk