Personally, I mostly use neovim, both at home and at work. My reasons are:
I hate any kind of screen cluttering. The minimap comes straight from hell.
it’s very responsive. I don’t even bother using language servers as they occasionally introduce micro delays that I hate.
it helps me in organizing the code better. No minimap means I keep the file size manageable, not seeing the definition of the function straight away means I keep the static complexity of the code in check (tend to reduce the number of delegates). It doesn’t help when I have to read cose from legacy codebase, but I don’t care too much about that.
While I always remove the minimaps, may I ask someone more experienced than me why minimaps are even a thing in VSCode? What am I supposed to see? 1 pixel tall gibberish?
In vscode you can see git changes, errors, search matches. Personally I couldn’t live without it. Great to pickup from where you started and code reviews/git diffs.
Personally, I mostly use neovim, both at home and at work. My reasons are:
You do know you can remove the minimaps (that do come from hell) ?
Other than that, I started trying neovim. I like the concept of not having too move your “mouse” hand but boy it’s a chore to start xD
While I always remove the minimaps, may I ask someone more experienced than me why minimaps are even a thing in VSCode? What am I supposed to see? 1 pixel tall gibberish?
A more detailed version of the dots in the scrollbar.
It’s quite useful files that are thousands of lines long.
Why that log? Because it’s 15+ year old code.
In vscode you can see git changes, errors, search matches. Personally I couldn’t live without it. Great to pickup from where you started and code reviews/git diffs.
Ofc I knew! Yeah, (neo)vim takes time to adjust. Personally I only use a bunch of commands, never bothered with the advanced stuff.
Neovim here as well. Though I do use LSPs. I write mostly Go in a fairly large code base so “go to definition” is pretty much a must have.
I was considering going without and just using grep like tools, but not yet.