I am unable to stop you, but you know that suicide by gun is counted as “DeATh bYe FYreArM”. That death will be used as a loaded (ha) statistic to say, “This death could have been prevented of this person wasn’t allowed to purchase an FYreArM. And that’s why we should ban guns.”
…for that reason, I consider the following: hanging, guillotine, OD, jumping from great height, CO2 gas, etc.
I am unable to stop you, but you know that suicide by gun is counted as “DeATh bYe FYreArM”. That death will be used as a loaded (ha) statistic to say, “This death could have been prevented of this person wasn’t allowed to purchase an FYreArM. And that’s why we should ban guns.”
…for that reason, I consider the following: hanging, guillotine, OD, jumping from great height, CO2 gas, etc.