• Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    This isn’t even something people are recently aware of. There’s this old gospel song from the 1920s that Tom Jones does an amazing cover of, called Run On. I keep thinking about these lyrics every time one of these scandals comes up. Of course, the people in the song will supposedly get their comeuppance, but it’s a gospel song, so that’s to be expected:

    Some people go to church just to signify
    Or try to make a date with the neighbor’s wife
    But brother, let me tell you sure as you’re born
    You better leave that woman alone

    One of these days, you mark my words
    You’ll think your brother is gone to work
    You sneak up and knock on his door
    Look out, brother, you’ll knock no more

    (I’m an atheist, but it’s Tom Fucking Jones.)
