show transcript
Scanned image of old an old bulletin:
Question: How will you spend your Christmas vacation?
I’m going to be drunk every night because of my broken heart. - K. M.
I’m going to catch up on tiddle de winks, ping pong, and parchesi. - A. M. T.
Catch up on some sleep and make whoopee. - M. K.
I’m going to have company (it’s quite alright and proper). -J. B.
I intend to vegetate - J. B. A.
I am going straight to hell and not come back - D. H.
Barnard Bulletin, New York, December 20 1935
Samesies. Gonna pull a submarine until January, nothing but art and zaza.
Edit: included “games” under “art”:))
But is it going to be quite alright and proper? 🧐
Until M.K. arrives
In terms of “content,” most certainly! Both aspects!:))
In terms of activity, I’ve been looking forward to some alone time for a couple of years now, so it’s perfection incarnate.
If this was a reference, I missed it completely!=))
hell yea
making games or playing games?
Playing vidya, continuing to write my cyberpunk-y D&D campaign/epic (which will most likely devolve into something completely different 30 minutes into actually playing it, but it is what it is!:)) )
That, and I REALLY need to practice playing the bass, get back in the groove.