It was also noted that while under the Health Act 2006 it is illegal to give out free tobacco in the United Kingdom, Parliament is exempt from this as the Palace of Westminster is a royal palace, and therefore legally exempt from the legislation.

    17 days ago

    Used to do snuff because my workplace banned smoking anywhere on campus. I’d go in the bathroom and snort a pinch a few times a day.

    Hanging out at the guy’s cube next to the door, I was horrified to find that you can hear everything in there! Fuck me. There could hear me snorting and see me coming out with red eyes. My supervisor, who was great woman, asked me very nicely if I had a drug problem because of the “tracks” on my arm. (It was a caring thing, not a nosy thing.) LOL, they were burns from working in a rubber plant that hadn’t faded yet.

    Anyway, that was my first tech support job and I got my hands on a 386 Windows 3.11 machine! Started my career.