I’d like to point out that “do what you can” doesn’t even necessarily mean trying to prevent or impede climate change directly. It can also mean building community and providing comfort and protection from the worst effects of climate change to the people you care about.
Exactly, well said chad 💪
I’ve backslid into a pretty doomer mindset recently with everything going on, but this thread has helped refocus some of my perspective. A community like this is very nice, I appreciate you all. I’m gonna work on it.
Your chad levels are off the charts 📈
I’d classify myself as a “reluctant doomer”. I try to minimize my environmental impact and encourage others to do the same, but privately, I think we’re fucked. I act like my assumptions are wrong, though. I hope I am.
You should research, since this is an oil industry astroturfing lie that has taken hold and it is devastating as you can see. You may drop the doomer part and prevent the spread of misinformation as one of your environmental care tasks
Nihilism is pointless. Pick up the slack pessimists.
the balls needed to blow up the necessary pipelines are heavier than your mother
Revolutionary Nordstream II ism
What if I’m both, I do everything possible but I know it’s futile and we’re fucked. All my efforts i make in my life can be undone by a billionaire on one weekend trip to Europe.
If the billionaires can do all that then it sounds like you need to redirect your efforts to building class consciousness and mass movements to collectively struggle against the billionaires so they aren’t allowed to waste resources like that anymore.
If you were doing nothing you’d probably feel less fulfilled
I dunno, sometimes I wish I was alone in a cabin in the woods, just an oblivious apeman waiting out his days. It must be nice for those people who can just ignore it all
I also fantasise about this lol
At least you’re doing your part
I have hope in a bright future where the major petro states fully embrace libertarianism and obliterate their domestic productive capacity.
I just want people to go vegan because it’s so easy, healthy and the right thing to do if you dare to look at it. Simply the most powerful powermove any random chad can do instantly.
All gigachads are vegan!
Some of my fellow punks do not agree. They want this peaceful utopia for themselves, but not their fellow earthlings. Burning lush forests, polluting delicate ecosystems for feed, slitting throats in chains by the billions in factories of misery, exploitation and annihilation.
Every single one of you can end a tiny bit of this horror instantly. A true chad does what they can, until they like a taste too much.Thank you Chad 💪💪💪
Idk, people who were safe in western states called me a doomer and got mad at me for my sadness being unproductive while a hurricane killing people and flattening neighboring towns. No one is an effective activist 100% of the time, maybe let people grieve for five seconds.
It’s even more chadlike to fall and get back up
I mean, sure, it’s not like I died from crying
Kierkegaard’s knight of infinite resignation vs knight of faith
Sounds like Chad just wants praise for performative actions.
ok doomer
I will not engage in climate denial by pretending individual efforts can outcompete corporate & military polluters to save us from climate collapse.
You could broaden the scope of what you believe you “can” do
I think actively participating in anti-capitalist revolutionary efforts is the most meaningful thing we can do. I don’t think we can save the planet without it.
We’re going to have to choose between a few dead oil executives, or a dead planet.
All avenues are important. Effort needs to be put into what you stated, but effort also needs to be put into helping people who are living month to month make the small changes that they are able to. Not everyone is in a privileged position of being able to upend their entire world without life changing consequences.
I agree, and … OP’s meme doesn’t exclude that as an option?
It implies a preference for performative action, I’d say.
I don’t really see that interpretation. How does it imply it?
The climate is going to suffer, there’s no doubt about that. When that happens, obviously humans will try to fix it. Why be a doomer now when you could start fixing what you can?
I planted 3 trees this week and have been making biochar in winter when fire restrictions are lifted.
Nice work! Keep at it!
I’m hoping to plant some more trees this season but don’t know where yet. Will have to do some more scouting.
I’m just about out of space on my property until my nursery trees are mulched for soil so I’m currently in the market for endemic natives to guerilla garden with.
deleted by creator
Excellent work climate patriot 🫡🌍
I’ve moved to stainless steel for basically everything. Including plates, bowels, cups, etc. So no more microplastics there at least. I’ve tried to find environmentally friendly soap and detergents where feasible.
I started cooking bulk slow cook meals at home to reduce waste in my food, i got energy efficient everything. My dishwasher, washing machine and dryer (heat pump dryer) are near the top of ESR. I installed solar ( self consumption not grid tie) and in the summer with my batteries can almost meet 100% of my power needs. Winter varies but can sometimes still offset 60% i also use heatpump hot water and room heating. All my lighting is custom high efficiency led strip lights running on the 48v if the solar batteries directly.
I drive a tiny smart fortwo which as far as I can tell is one of the least polluting non-hybrid vehicles the road, I would like to eventually get an electric car to compliment my solar but that’s a purchase for later. I feel as though I’ve done all that I can do without unreasonably disrupting my life I just feel sad knowing that it’s basically worthless in the grand scheme of how much companies are polluting
Why stainless over cheap regular ceramic plates or drinking glasses?
I decided part of reducing waste was getting myself something that’s basically guaranteed to last me the rest of my life, I can use these dishes as footballs for a family football game or to practice my hacky sack throwing and never worry about them getting damaged.
Did you do the math on environmental impact of, say 2-3 ceramic sets vs the impact of one stainless steel?
I’m completely ignorant on the energy/material costs of both, but I know the impact of steel/iron can be pretty big.
Yeah, I guess your only options for any further impact are to persuade as many other people to do some of what you’ve done. The least intrusive changes will obv be the easiest ones to persuade people to make
All of this is incredibly impressive. I don’t own my own place yet or have a car, but I’m hoping to buy an electric vehicle in the next couple of years and then find an apartment. I’ll be chuffed myself if I accomplish even a quarter of what you’ve just described. You say it’s worthless - it has inspired me. Years from now maybe I’ll describe my setup and inspire another, and you’ll have played a part in that.
I’m glad that it has inspired you, but when I say it’s worthless I mean that honestly even if a majority of people did everything I’ve done it would still barely make a dent. The major polluters are not people that is just a lie that’s been sold to us the major polluters are major corporations. It’s nice living more sustainably I genuinely find many of these changes to be nicer than what I had before them I think they can be used to improve one’s life when done correctly. But in terms of helping the climate change process? Despite everything I’ve done I’m still a Doomer because I know that the people can’t fix it
Not if the people eradicated lobbying and unadulterated sabotage of environmental science
If possible don’t buy a car. Cars, even electric ones, have a huge environmental cost. It’s not always possible but we should be using public transportation and bicycles way more than we use cars.
I’ll be buying a second hand electric car and it will afford me a great deal of independence that public transport cannot. And when I can use public transport, I will.
Absolutely. It’s never too late to keep trying and every little helps:
Doomerism achieves nothing, it’s not helpful: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23622511/climate-doomerism-optimism-progress-environmentalism
And pessimism isn’t realism: https://medium.com/the-ascent/the-magic-that-happens-when-we-stop-equating-pessimism-with-realism-9480a5481540
And individual actions make more of a difference than you might think: https://theconversation.com/climate-change-yes-your-individual-action-does-make-a-difference-115169
Finally don’t get addicted to doomscrolling, it’s bad for your physical and mental health: https://www.ramsaymentalhealth.com.au/en/resources-support/addicted-to-bad-news/
So here are some positive climate stories to motivate and improve your day:
Doomerism is appealing because it tells you its ok not to bother and it speaks to the masochistic epistemology many of us are drawn to.
Reality is that it’s like our clothes are slowly catching fire. We aren’t getting away with just a singe at this point. We’re currently looking at winding up naked in the hospital, but not like “medical coma” level if we do what we need to.
Thank you for the resources!
Sadly none of these things will work, first step to real change is to cull the rich, but people are too complacent now to make that happen. Without getting rid of billionaires, nothing will ever really work, that’s step one
I’m doing what I can, and encourage others to do the same cuz why not; but also under no illusion that our efforts are going to even delay our extinction by a meaningful amount.
We’re at the mercy of some miracle-tier scientific breakthroughs, or literal divine/extraterrestrial intervention. There’s a shred of hope in the former, but realistically, we’re fucked.
The problem is your dooming inspires others to give up.
Hey now, we won’t go extinct. Some of the ultra wealthy will likely survive in their bunkers! That’s probably comforting right
Oh they’ll probably last a few years longer than the rest of us, but their bunkers will only keep em ticking until the AC unit breaks, or… y’know, the plants and algae on the surface die and stop producing O2 and their tanks run out.
Nah fuck off with all that. First of all, we won’t become extinct. In the worst case scenarios we could lose a few billion over many years but that’s hardly extinct. Secondly, we’re not at the mercy of anything. We literally have the technology we need to make the changes we need right now, but the problem is that politicians are still in the pockets of Big Oil and other industries that will be interrupted. They push propaganda out to the gullible masses that eat it up because it makes them feel special and better than others. We need to change our politics (obviously).
Even with some miracle technology, actually especially with a miracle technology, there will be tons of pushback from Big Oil et al. because it’ll slightly eat in to their profits. It’s pretty much these “Dirty Dozen” wealthy elite that are causing the problems, and they need to be pushed back against hard
Your “realistical” conclusions are parroting oil industry astroturfing lies. We are not doomed because the research is made by them and they are unrelenting in their lobbying and sabotage. Trump destroyed movements and research and every swine with money will continue to sabotage progress on mother earth until we make them stop. Then it ends. Don’t be a problem in this class war and choose sides
Seems like a couple people here are missing the first sentence of my last post.
You don’t need me to tell me to do the things - I’m doing the things just in case it turns out to actually make a difference. …I’m just dead inside as I’m doing them, cuz I don’t anticipate them making a difference. The info I’m ‘parroting’ is coming from institutions like NOAA.
So… do the things. All of us together, yea they add up, just anticipate that the thing they’ll add up to is 2025 breaking more records. Then again in 2026. Etc - until that miracle tier scientific breakthrough comes. If it does, our efforts may give just enough of an edge for us to see our climate stabilize. If it doesn’t, we’re fucked.
It just happens to be oil industry propaganda and not facts.
Institutions that are bought by lobbying lie.
one big disease could thanks snap the population. how we would survive afterwards is another question.
but high pop loads lead to more chance of drastic collapse.