I do like Connect, I just hope they add some QOL features RIF had like thread collapsing, being able to change default download folders, link preview, probably other things I’ll think about later. Great start, though!
Thank you for adding the ‘scrolling past post marks as read’ option. I previously used Joey for Reddit and Connect is the closest lemmy app I’ve found.
I do like Connect, I just hope they add some QOL features RIF had like thread collapsing, being able to change default download folders, link preview, probably other things I’ll think about later. Great start, though!
You can pess and hold for thread collapse.
Or reverse it in the settings if you prefer a tap i stead of a hold.
I hope they implement the option to start all the comments as collapsed.
Connect dev here. Im taking notes!
Nice job! Of all the current clients I tried I like Connect the best.
wow! I didn’t expect this, Thank you so much! I’m so excited for what you have in store for us.
Thank you for adding the ‘scrolling past post marks as read’ option. I previously used Joey for Reddit and Connect is the closest lemmy app I’ve found.
Thanks again!
collapsing and easy up/down/top/parent navigation are key