For me, it’s sticking my hand out of the window of a moving car. Whether I’m driving or not, I love having the windows down and waving my hand in the wind. I’ve loved it since I was a child and I’ll never stop doing it!
Walking/balancing on curbs, retaining walls, downed trees in the forest - pretty much anything.
I still ride my loaded grocery cart down the parking lot to my car after each trip. It’s the little things in life.
Hell yeah! I thought I was the only person who did that. It’s fun and efficient.
You’ve got the wheels right there, no reason not to use them.
It’s not that often that I’m in a car I’m not driving anymore, but when I’m a passenger you can bet your ass I’m imagining a little ninja dude running along side the car, doing sick ninja flips over stuff on the side of the road.
Running up stairs on all fours, like a monkey I am 40 years old
Congrats on still being able to bend over at 40! I’m 2 years from 30 and everytime I bend over something pops lol.
If you’re not stretching daily, you’re gonna hate life. I’m also not stretching daily so uhhh do as I say not as I do? Lol
I can recomend to do just something easy. Find easiest and shortest routine (that lasts 2 minutes, literally) and do it in the morning.
Since I startet it, I feel much much better. It is not like full exercise, but at least muscles don’t hurt as much.
I do:
- Head and Shoulder Rolls x5 to each side
- Hip Circles:l x5 to each side
- Arm Circles x5 to each side
- squats x10
- some others similar warm up exercises when I feel like it (ex. malasana squat)
Idea is to move every muscle in my body. It is not hard, lasts 2-3 minutes but makes my day few percents nicer.
Me and my wife (no kids) have recently decided to do the ‘stuff you enjoyed being a kid’ type outings. Such as dino parks, castles, zoos, theme parks.
If you are an adult having kids is usually how you end up in those places and we decided just to do those things for ourselves.
ITT: people climbing their stairs like a 4 legged animal
I don’t get to do it much anymore, but watching cartoons on Saturday morning.
Oh man, Saturday morning cartoons just hit the spot! A bowl of cereal with the addition of a cup of coffee.
I don’t think I ever really stopped being a child, cuz I still do pretty much everything I did when I was 10. lol
I watch cartoons, I play with toys (mostly Lego) and video games, I blow dandelions, I do the hand out the window thing in a car, I’ll dress up like a ninja and prowl around in the dark, etc.
Edit: Reading this a second time, makes it sound like I am Charlie from It’s Always Sunny…
The swings.
Some of my fondest memories are of swings. Not just from childhood either. I vividly remember an intense session in university, and another from only a few years back was special for a variety of reasons. And now, my daughter is just old enough to really start appreciating them. I don’t think I’ll stop swinging until I’m incapable.
I (38 m) still have a blanky I sleep with - mostly because my cat will only sleep in my bed if it’s there, she will (mostly) only sit in my lap if it’s there and she pretty much just hangs out in whatever room it’s in… Yeah… It’s her blankly, I’m just its mode of transport to make sure she hangs out with me.
It probally smells like you, so when you are there and the blankie is there, its like its 2x you, which is what she likes.
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Can’t help it either… and when you get a real good one, that’s all dry and super loud and crunchy… yes
I have summers off from work (am a teacher), which I COULD be using to get tons of errands done, renovating the house, working out, etcetc. However, I am currently spending it sleeping in, playing too many video games, staying up late, crafting, reading, etc, which is exactly what I did during summer as a kid as well. It’s been nice :)
Riding the grocery carts through the store if nobody is around to hit. Ive slammed into a display once, took almost 5 min to get it back together, and no employees came to help the entire time, but i dont blame them.
This is more of a highschool childish, but occasionally I like to smoke weed and stay up till 3am playing video games. Then call in sick for work the next day of course
Even though it’s more of a stress reducer and to help me calm down, I like to snuggle and cuddle with my favorite stuffed rabbit. It also brings me back somewhat to when I was a kid and had tons of stuffed animals.
One of the girls I was dating forgot to hide her stuffed animals when I came over for a movie night. She was embarrassed, but I thought it was really sweet. It shows the more human aspect of people :)
When I started dating my current BF years later, and saw that he had two stuffed animals on his bed that he sleeps with each night, I knew he was a keeper!