All of humanities technological advancements can be summed up in ever more complex ways to boil water
Most of the biggest advances in technology is just about moving liquids. Rocket science is really just large scale HVAC.
That’s why photovoltaics need much more R&D. They are the only true advancement in electricity production since the inception of broadly adopted electrification.
Exactly why we should ditch them. We shall not break tradition. Praise be the turbine
It doesn’t rotate to generate electricity? Must be blasphemy.
Hollowed be thy pipes
Anoint me in condensate
I think to be more general it boils down to just oxidate stuff.
/pun intended
Boil shit, burn shit, and blow shit up. Humans in a nut shell.
That’s all “burn shit”.
That’s just steam power with extra steps!
I’ve got bad news for ya bruv
Well Rotating a rotor on a generator is the most convenient way to make electricity with parts that last a long amount of time. Also doesn’t help that we use AC power while other sources like photovoltaic produce DC power which needs to be converted to be used.
If you don’t like that don’t look up PWRs, they don’t boil water to boil water.
Don’t forget about the deadly waste product!
Deadly, horrible waste product that is processed and made so safe you can literally kiss it. But don’t let me get in the way of fearmongering.
Kyle Hill has done so much good in combating the absolute minefield of fearmongering and misinformation surrounding Nuclear power.
As long as you play by the rules, it’s incredibly safe. It’s when you start taking shortcuts and start fucking around that you find out… and there are plenty of things more likely to kill you than nuclear.
Okay, but what about all of the leaking nuclear waste stockpiles? What about the very real nuclear meltdowns that have happened that have resulted in the complete evacuation and condemnation of vast tracts of land that are now totally unusable?
We write down what went wrong and try not to blow up the next one?
Same thing we do when anything blows up really