So you patiently wait for your little white man signal, and as soon as it finally comes on (after 2 full cycles of the traffic lights) you start crossing only to get honked at by some lady who wants to turn right on her red light…
Well then, that lady needs to wait while I continue to cross with a limp that magically return at the moment she honked her horn.
I think we’re the same kind of asshole!
I will slow walk the fuck through an intersection or parking lot.
In America we don’t wait for shit. We cross when we think we can make it!
because otherwise you’re gonna be waiting for like 10 minutes
Ban right on red.
And if you’re lucky, you get more than 5 seconds to cross that 4 lane intersection!
I’ve had to walk a few elderly people across a few intersections because they’d be 1/4 the way through before the “walk” quickly turned into “get off the road before you die!”.
America has the most horrendous roads and side walks omg
Our city was apparently designed by Shel Silverstein.
I lived on an intersection like this for a while and I felt like I was going to fucking die every time I had to cross.
I watched this youtube a while back about how bad our streets are designed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM
Looks like my Cities Skyline interchanges
Skylines is typical of that, right? I don’t know anything about the game.
“We even put some nice areas of brown, patchy grass! And look, there’s even a shrub!”
In the past we used to design our cities to be walkable because there was mo other sensible way. Now we build for cars and everything at the human level ends up far away separated by endless parking lots.
There still is no other sensible way. We just gave up on that part…
This looks like in cities skyline when I forgot to put in a pedestrian walkway and I can’t really change the streetlayout anymore
Yeah, that place looks like a perfect excuse to build an over-engineered, spagetti-shaped pedestrian walkway.
I guess the temperature down there is +100 °F
Not only that but society has become more lazy over the years, and it got worse thanks to the pandemic
What’s funny is a certain type of engineer will look at this and be like hnnnng oh baby look at that
Simcity/Cities Skyline players too.
Can appreciate the sex appeal of infrastructure while also recognizing its stupid and shouldnt exist outside of a video game :D
Wasn’t SimCity the game series that basically cheated and massively scaled down streets and parking spots because they realize exactly no one would like this even remotely realistic?
@Ooops @Dubious_Fart CitySkylines has ‘pocket cars’. Pedestrians store cars in their pockets for use when they want it.
Personally, I even think it’s kinda stupid for Skylines to force me to build along a road. I grew up with SimCity; roads helped, but were not actually required because it did actually simulate people walking to a degree.
My reaction to this was “but there’s obviously going to be a footbridge”, followed by “wait, really?”
I guess that second thought just about sums up North American infrastructure
Hell, I wouldn’t want to drive there. Ya know, the purpose it was built for.
“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line”
“Yeah, but that’s too expensive, I like mine better. What’s wrong with it?”
gestures wildly at photo THE WHOLE THING
Those random white stripes would definitely encourage people to cross!
Gonna take at least half an hour
Because the climate is getting too hot to walk.