Basically the US and heavily english-speaking countries easier infected with the same brain-rot the US’ corporate ruling class calls “culture”.
(IOs/Android vs. english-speakers vs. income)
Basically the US and heavily english-speaking countries easier infected with the same brain-rot the US’ corporate ruling class calls “culture”.
(IOs/Android vs. english-speakers vs. income)
The US in brainlessly-adoring-corporations centric.
Which is exactly the reason while Android is shrinking in the US while Google is growing.
Look how many people engaged only works if you manage to supress the context. Which -given the fact that r/place war already reported about each prior year- is not going to happen.
So you are basically saying people looking for advertising are going for a platform full of fucks, insults and destructive comments/behavior struggling to moderate because they are too stupid to look at anything but numbers of how many people loggend in?
The crimes of the Soviet Union while claiming to be communist are well documented.
And not everything left of Eastern European nationalism is communism. In fact 90% of the political spectrum lies between these two extremes.
Reddit is looking for the extreme engagement of Place to have great stats to show investors and advertisers.
Do you think investors and advertisers are brain-deadly stupid? If they can see “great stats” on one hand while the media is full of reports about the ongoing protests of reddit users, they will be able to see the whole picture.
Especially as r/place was all over the media in past years anyway. Only this year it’s full of destructive behavior and trying to destroy everything with fuck-messages. Sure, that’s totally good advertising for reddit somehow and not scaring advertisers away because “but look at the amount of people who koined to hate us”…
You mean “pre-installed with most DEs”…
Wasn’t SimCity the game series that basically cheated and massively scaled down streets and parking spots because they realize exactly no one would like this even remotely realistic?
Close this tab right now and promise yourself never come back to see if someone gave you an easy answer…
And on the other side of the coin military training areas in Germany are studied as potential nature reserves because just some limited amount of sane oversight goes a long way…
Still using an S7E to this day as the battery seems basically indestructable…
The one single weak spot? I actually had to replace the glue.