Are people just forgetting 4 Loko existed (in its original form, I mean)? I’ve never been so drunk so quickly. I drank a few of them one time without realizing how much alcohol was in one of them. They apparently ranked from a few percent ABV all the way up to 14. I woke up in a pool of alcoholic Strawberry Lemonade vomit.
Well damn. Wish I could try it, especially before they inevitably discontinue if these cases are actually because of it. Siiigh.
From what I’ve heard, they are not very good. But what do I know, apparently they’re to die for.
Take my upvote and get the fuck outta here
Add vodka and create the ultimate beverage
Now we’re rocking
Are people just forgetting 4 Loko existed (in its original form, I mean)? I’ve never been so drunk so quickly. I drank a few of them one time without realizing how much alcohol was in one of them. They apparently ranked from a few percent ABV all the way up to 14. I woke up in a pool of alcoholic Strawberry Lemonade vomit.
Budweiser had a caffeinated beer in 2004!
Dump some red bulls into a lemonade and I bet you’ll get there.
dont let your dreams be dreams
They’re pretty good, but I’d never drink more than a small. My caffeine tolerance is terrible though (can barely handle a monster).
They’re good but they have a lot of caffeine in them