Forgot I had this
I hate when people clap alongside every word they say. It’s so damn obnoxious and annoying, it makes me disregard whatever input they want to give.
Eh, it’s for emphasis, it’s just a style that gives a visual along with the words that indicate a specific physical movement that some people interpret in a specific way and changes how they are communicating, thus changing the message in a minute way. It’s not hurting you, if it’s enough to make you want to disregard what they are saying that seems pretty petty of you. Just because people communicate differently from you isn’t enough of a reason to disrespect them or what they have up say. Now, if they’re saying something abhorrent, that’s a different story, but you’re not an idiot, just judgemental
It’s not hurting you
No, but it’s highly irritating and jarring. Almost even threatening, as if they want to smack you because you disagree with them. If they can’t have a calm, reasonable discussion then I don’t think it’s petty of me to not want to listen to them.
100% with you. It’s like writing “Period” at the end of what you said, as if that makes it more true. And, ironically, it’s almost always some take that requires ignoring all nuance.
We’re born slaves to society. We are not free. Everything in the end has the threat of violence if you don’t do what society wants you to do.
Best case you can go forage in the “wild”, but its claimed wild. There is no free land. The freest people are perhaps homeless people, because there is almost nothing you can threaten them with, they have nothing to lose, in a way, its the only freedom that exists.
If you stop paying rent or your mortgage, you will be forcibly removed by a trainer killer. If you resist, you may be killed in an altercation and become a statistic. If you don’t pay taxes, you may end up in a cage, or perhaps killed by another trainer killer in a mishap.
When you “buy” a house, you are renting the land, sure it temporarily has your name on the deed, and you own the house itself, until you stop paying property taxes, then another trainer killed will come take it from you, perhaps put you in a cage. Don’t even get me started on HOAs, the wrong color paint could cause you to lose your life’s savings because a Karen thinks it might lower her property value.
If you don’t raise your kids perfectly, a trainer killer can come take them away from you. Even someone falsely reporting you for improperly raising your kids can cause you to end up losing them. Your kids don’t belong to you, they’re your cute little liabilities, one misstep and the most important thing in your life is taken away from you.
What if I just want to do nothing? Where can I go and just chill, and eat berries, and like the occasional squirrel or whatever? Society won’t permit it, you might end up in a cage, or again killed by a trained killer. Those are someone’s berries, those squirrels are probably a protected species.
Freedom is an illusion.
The freest people are perhaps homeless people
This is one of the most ridiculously privileged things I’ve ever read
They’re not wrong. I think your reply bothers me more. Only someone truly privileged would reply like that.
I’ve been homeless, and they’re completely wrong
“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”
Modern rent seeking is rooted in a feudal concept. The lord maintained an army that protected the land, and the workers paid the lord for the upkeep of the army that protected them.
Modern landlords provide absolutely nothing but exploitation of their tenants. They take rent and provide nothing anywhere near equal in value.
They are parasites on the working class. Our labor gives them profit, and they offer only what should be ours by right.
We pay to live here. It’s our home. You only rent seek, you fucking parasite.
Not sure why you’re being so heavily downvoted, it’s true. Landlords, due to their position in society benifit from high poverty, less rent control, etc. Working class people want the exact opposite. It’s a clear and obvious dielectic contradiction
That is one ‘Wtf first sentence’ if I ever saw it… All other species shit literally anywhere and do not have ready made food. And parents eat children or fling them out of the nest if they can’t feed them all. There are no doctor rats. Watch a documentary or two.
Communists are the only people who believe that we are the only animals that can completely upend and violate the rules of nature that all other animals have to live by.
Literally every living organism must work to live. It’s called surviving. This is just wrong lol.
They didn’t say nothing else has to work
They said we’re the only species that has to pay to live. Pay = working to survive. Pay is reward for effort. It’s just false.