Shrinking because it’s full of, and ran by commie dumbasses. Nobody likes you guys.
Shrinking because it’s full of, and ran by commie dumbasses. Nobody likes you guys.
Leftists can’t meme
WOW!!! CNN said “genocide”??? Holy fuck pack it up boys, the work is done.
You’d probably be able to more easily afford a place to live if a) the central bank didn’t print 50% of the money supply in recent years and b) if there weren’t millions of migrants competing with you for housing or c) people moving near you from places that are being overrun by migrants.
It was for nothing.
Don’t care, don’t play new games, too expensive. Will wait for 90% off.
Communists are the only people who believe that we are the only animals that can completely upend and violate the rules of nature that all other animals have to live by.
“I wonder what you guys consider as “far right”.”
“Maybe having a father in the home is good for society”
In 2012 the chaos module was deployed
Well of course it is, it’s a commie shithole, and the internet already has enough of those.
Well now that a bunch of dumbass teems don’t like my phone, guess I’ll get rid of it.
Let me ask you all something: does an increase in demand for something raise the price for it, or decrease the price?
What is it, do you guys want higher wages and worker protections? Or undocumented immigrants? Pick one.
I lose no sleep downloading and pirating from these piece of shit companies.
Do you think the US is a white supremacist nation?
“oh your son of god died on a cross and now you gotta wear it on your chest and plaster your car? it was 2000 years ago get over it!”
As if we don’t hear this from them all the time…
But do they have small cocks?
If you’ve ever gone to any type of private school near NYC then you know the Italian guidos and the Jewish guidos were in a constant shit-talk fest with each other
Not to mention their jokes suck