I wish I had this password request when first trying out DOS commands on my first PC. I came across a book of Dos commands and was playing with FDISK. Wiped out the drive in the process. Learned Dos and windows pretty quickly after as it was a computer my mother in law gave us.
It went from Dos 5 with a shell to Dos 6.22 with Windows 3.11 once I went to the library and learned about them. Yes library, I’m that old.
It’s not the library that aged you, it’s your mother in law gave you your first computer.
Yes back when they were pretty expensive still for a 20 year old. It was a old 386 DX with 1mb of Ram without the co-proccessor that they replaced with a 486 in their business. The 1 mb of ram was on a daughter card with many chips before EDO came out.
I was raised on Macs in high school and Apple IIc before that. I recall my first access to a computer was a Apple in grade 5. We had one in the class. I think only the principal knew how to use it then. He was troubleshooting my Basic assignment for me as I did more than change the color of the square. I made a snake that moved around the screen and changed colors with his help.
Later on a IBM was something we used in Graphics class while we did our Accounting classes in the Mac lab. This was backwards as Apple products were big in my district. The IBM lab was the exception. We had more Commodore 64s than IBMs but they were never used when I went there.
I eventually got the 386 with 1mb of ram on dial up internet with AOL. Can’t even imagine how slow it was then…
After just figuring out a little BASIC, I learned some DOS commands and thought changing all the file names to something juvenile was funny. It was on our family Tandy PC and it wasn’t well received. My older sister still brings it up. Similar boat since I didn’t back anything up and had to reinstall DOS 3.30. Didn’t do anything as cool as you and update it much further.
Their backup strategy was shit. 🤭
Did you have the tape drive on that thing? When I was younger my friend had one but we had no idea how to load the games up.
By the time I learned about tape drives the small local sears had already liquidated everything & I wasn’t smart enough to figure out mail order yet. Also, Later on I just wanted the new stuff for Windows 95 and better games. Wish I had loved that old tech more back then.
12-yr-old me 🥹:
format c: /q
Please enter password….
This incident will be reported.
It’s the end of an era, they removed that warning in the latest version
To whom?
But can you rename files in
?You can in /dev at least, I sometimes rename/move
for my 3D printerYou can use udev to make a symlink with a consistent name
Glad I wasn’t the only 12 year old Linux nerd.