George Bush Jnr invades Iraq with fabricated evidence. Lies to allies about proof, drags many allies into shitty desert conflict. Gets halo as in post presidency isn’t an asshole.
You believe the conspiracy theory that the evidence was fabricated? Do you also believe that 911 was an inside job? /s
the us claimed that Iraq had wmds, but it was later revealed Iraq has no usable wmds (they had some sarin that expired in the 70s) and the us had a congressional hearing where the armed services confirmed that they considered the unusable wmds as active wmds, even though they could not be used. it was not a conspiracy later proven true like the Tonkin incident, but just using the vague definition of WMD (there is no offical one delcared by the UN) to the army’s advantage
Thanks! I remember vaguely. I didn’t understand the details back then but I remember that everyone knew it’s bs already back then. I put “/s” for a reason under my first comment
The justification for invading Iraq was a claim that they were developing nuclear weapons. It was well known at the time that the evidence was flimsy, and that even if true it was a flimsy excuse for an invasion. The main piece of evidence was an intercepted shipment of aluminum tubes that were soon shown to have nothing to do with a nuclear program. (See That one is not a conspiracy theory.
And when it became clear that there were no nuclear weapons, it became a dishonest equivocation about weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile, there was also loads of dishonest communication about Iraq’s coordination with terrorist groups.
Honestly, it’s much easier to come up with a reasonable conspiracy theory around 9/11 than most people think. There’s proof that the FBI and DHS knew that the attacks were being planned (iirc they were warned multiple times by Mossad), so it isn’t that much of a stretch to believe that the US intentionally ignored the warnings with the knowledge that such an attack would justify another war in the Middle East.
Ignoring the warnings would be a win-win. You get to go to war for oil if they’re real, and if they’re fake, then nothing happens and life goes on like it always has.
I think the DHS was set up in response to 9/11 so it didn’t exist yet, but the CIA and the NSA also knew about the upcoming attack before it happened.
Yeah, I might have misremembered that part, I do remember reading that the US had received multiple warnings about it.
I think the us government dug its head in the sand on purpose so that they could invade Iraq and take oil
Eh I feel like it’s easier to chalk up to organizational incompetence
It always gets me that they made Obama white in this.
Make no mistake, this was made by a professional goat getter.
A what?
For another person to “get your goat” is a phrase meaning to rile you up, to both upset and excite you, or to coerce you into taking action via emotional manipulation.
“They told me this sort of guy would get my goat if I let his jokes get to me, but he actually rode it in when he walked into the room wearing the exact same suit with a much cooler tie and boots.”
deleted by creator
Tbf it would have thrown off all the symmetrical balance. /S.
oh my god! and you say this with a /serious?! /s
Ah yes the war monger and torture proponent Angel. I remember him from the Bible.
This has to be bait. Nobody who actually knows anything about JRs presidency would present him like this unless they were apologists or trolls.
I don’t think it’s bait (though I don’t think OP believes this opinion, we’re on lemmy’s 196), I think it’s a political shitpost.
What is a shitpost but bait that you admit is bait?
Why are you people so mean to him :( He killed so many Iraqis and this is how you honour him?
Sorry, but who is JR? Contextually, it seems like it’s supposed to be George W. Bush, but there’s no J or R there, so I’m lost.
There’s George H.W Bush and George W. Bush so without using the middle initials people would say George Jr or George Sr.
Funny how people cried about a Clinton Dynasty, but those same people were fine voting for father and son to be president and now want an actual dictator… I hate politics.
Oh right. JR = Jr = Bush Jr = George W Bush?
That’s it!
No problem :)
Name a good US president
Carter. That’s why they changed the rules so we couldn’t get another one like him.
What rules are these?
The DNC changed their rules to make it harder to get on the primary if they didn’t like you. It’s difficult finding the timeline of DNC rules, so take that with a grain of salt.
I’m assuming those were put in to exclude one particularly popular leader with a good track record.
George Bush it says so in the post
He has W in his name for a reason
FDR, LBJ, Carter
FDR threw 200,000 Americans into concentration camps. He’s one of the worst.
With the premise thqt being a good president =/= being a good person: Washington Adams Jefferson Lincoln FDR Wilson Carter Sorta LBJ as long as you don’t think he was involved in JFK death And phucket Obom’ner, you have to admit he was nationally gridlocked but it was a much better time for America plus Obamacare saved and improved lives
Madison, though I’m biased. He hunted pirates.
what pirates exactly?
He finished mopping up the pirates of the Barbary coast. North African Pirates.
i guess that’s fine
George Washington?
Slave owner
If you’re going to apply modern standards, there are no good people in most of human history.
That’s correct, were all trash 🤗 further, I’m pretty sure his slaves didn’t appreciate being slaves even at that time…
They did not. But did having them automatically make him an irredeemably bad person by the standards of the time? Life is more complex than that.
The splendid little war.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that guy that submitted an ad to become the american president in a YouTube video?
far away it was just some random person
The Roosevelts
Glory to the Bush. He emancipated corporations from consequence.
but… obamna is so funny :_<
You mean he has a good PR team
Obama piramid
I’ll agree with that. W seems like an all together great guy, but a bit simple. Most of the bs that came from his presidency was Cheney pulling his strings.
I loved his ‘Bushisms’ where he’d just make up words.
He is actually incredibly intelligent and a war criminal. Graduated in the top 2% of the Harvard Business School, he’s not simple. He’s just recorded often enough that it became easy to paint him as simple, bringing forward his little stupid slip ups we all make. He’s a cunning, evil man.
wasn’t he a C student? not too mention the cocaine & drunk driving
Fool me twice - can’t get fooled again!
No one’s more gangster than a president.
I need names! I am recognising Obama ans Trump but the other ones… I know vaguely the faces but that’s all.
This is your daily reminder that babies born in 2000 and don’t remember the “dubya” era because they were 8 years old when it ended are turning 24 this year.
Shit, I was twelve when it ended and I don’t really remember it.
Man, I barely remember who was president of my country before the year 2000. I don’t even try to know who ruled a country behind a ocean XD
TIL I learn the meaning of dubya.
Bush Sr , Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump
Thank you.
So why Jr would be better than other ? From my knowledge the man is famous for going to war in the middle east. What else has he done ?
It’s ironic (I hope). He was an awful president. Until Trump, he was sort of the model of the dumbest a president could get.
Satan, Satan, our Lord and Saviour, Satan, Satan
The last 5 us presidents before biden
Well yeah, dude was knocking down buildings in his own country.
Praise the God Emperor Bush
May George Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child of Iraq
its a borat quote