Bumbling Buffon thinking workers aren’t people, sounds about right how they are treated sometimes (me as well in the past)
Staff is people? What kind of comunist shit is this?!
Staff is an infection
Really? I see locked stores/restaurants all the time with staff inside.
That’s fine for doors that unlock when you push the bumper-style handle from the inside. Some older doors without this must be unlocked to open from inside.
This is for deadbolt style locks. They have to turn a little knob (or key) to unlock it.
Let’s hope they’re never on fire, then.
Years ago, had a job at a public establishment. Building gets evacuated due to suspected gas leak. Four fire trucks in front of the entrance with lights flashing and an army of firemen inside, trying to find the source of the leak. In the midst of all of this, a customer walks between two of the trucks and tries to enter the building.
It was fun watching the fire fighters scold him like a toddler