I really wished Rogue had just taken her gloves off and held Storm’s hand in that scene. Would have put the point across beautifully.
“Theres nothing to cure? Is that Right Ms. Amazing powers with no horrific disfigurement thats not a threat to anyone?” takes off glove “If I dont need a cure, then shake my hand. Go on. Do it. I’m perfect as I am, right?”
If I had 5 dicks I’d post pics on Reddit then never prove it.
Back when fallout had class
If I had 5 dicks I’d try to play them like bagpipes
scotland the brave starts playing over the gentle sound of slapping
Chainsaw hands Joe
That’s what they call chainsaw man in the dub
Yeah that line always bothered me as well. Rogue should have just pocked her. Yeah, feel how fine do you feel now
We don’t need medicine, prescription glasses, clothes…
We are all perfect already.
No, it’s more like “we don’t need to change our skin colour or our sexuallity etc., we are perfect already.”
That’s definitely what they were going for. X-men had other jokes clearly indicating the comparison between the LGBTQ movement and being a mutant. The comparison doesn’t work as well for kill everything she touches lady, though lol.
You’re being downvoted, but that’s exactly what Storm means by what she said.
Like when people would say they were going to “cure you of your urges” just because you were gay.
In the other girl’s case though, if there were a way for her not to kill everyone she touches, I’m sure she’d love that.
On the other hand, trans people. They have a problem with how they were born, and if they want to change that it’s nobody’s business but theirs.
Fun fact - in the comics Forge made a gun that strips away mutant powers, and the government tried to use in on Rogue (which, having absorbed Ms. Marvel, was much more of a threat than her version in the Fox movies) - but Storm, ignorant to the gun’s purpose, took the bullet for her. After that, lamenting the loss of her powers became her entire personality for a while. Comics being comics eventually she got them back - but I think that she is still a bit salty about this, and it shows in that scene.
Is the movie canon with the comics, though?
The comics are barely canon with the comics.
The movies are barely canon with the movies, too, for that matter.
Refresh my memory. Was that when she got the mohawk haircut and started dressing like Grace Jones back-up dancers?
They were a year apart. the mohawk and costume change debuted first in #173 (1983) and Storm lost her powers in #185 (1984).
I bow to your expertise.
I’m salty you made fun of my favorite Storm fit, but that was hilariously accurate.
And Grace is still in the game.